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How to Create a Successful Event Landing Page

Build a high‑converting landing page so your event takes off.

What is an event landing page for?

A landing page is an essential part of event promotion, effectively representing your upcoming event online. Whether you’re organizing an exciting art fair, an opening night party, a conference, or even virtual events, your event landing page is the first place prospective attendees will look for information.

Successful event pages will include key event information that is presented in a consistent, branded design and gets prospective event attendees excited about your event. The goal is to create a high-conversion landing page and encourage visitors to stay on your event website either to buy tickets or register their interest.

There are 2 main types of event landing pages: those for event registration and those for lead generation.

Event registration landing pages

The focus of an event registration landing page is to sell tickets or, if an event is free, allow potential attendees to sign up. It also acts as an online representation of your event and a promotional tool to get people excited about whatever function you are holding.

Great event landing pages include an easy-to-use registration form, well-written copy, and strong graphic design. These 3 elements work together to encourage people visiting your site to buy tickets or sign up.

Lead generation landing page

Lead generation landing pages are sometimes created before the main event landing page; to get web page visitors excited for future events. By setting up this kind of page in advance, you can create a real sense of anticipation leading up to the release date and gather momentum for the event itself.

Lead generation landing pages might include a registration form for interest—rather than a ticket-purchasing form. This allows event marketers to learn more about their target audience, which can help inform other kinds of promotion.

Why are event landing pages so important?

If you already have a website set up, you might question the need for a dedicated event landing page that’s set apart from the rest of your online presence. But event landing pages can make a huge difference in conversion rates when used correctly.

When you direct people to the homepage of your main website, they are met with lots of different options of where to go. With all these options vying for attention, visitors might click away from the event page itself or never reach it at all.

A dedicated event landing page has one clear direction, whether it be selling tickets or generating leads. Once visitors reach the page, their focus is pulled to one singular action, and the key to creating a great event landing page is to get people to complete this action rather than close the page.

By having an event landing page, you can establish a separate online space to sell tickets, provide potential guests with all the information they need, and ramp up anticipation surrounding your next event.

If you’re an event marketer, having a lead generation landing page can also help you better understand your target demographic, so that other forms of publicity are as effective as they can possibly be.

How to create event landing pages

Creating a successful landing page requires holding the attention of people visiting your site and getting them invested in whatever event you’re hosting. This process requires strong copywriting, a recognizable branded design, and clear goals on what you want the page to achieve.

If you want to find some existing event landing page examples, think about events that you like to attend and research those types of events online. Take note of how the key details are displayed in the event page design and how the copy affects your own personal interest.

The best event landing pages combine all 3 of these requirements to create a seamless experience for visitors that also gets them excited enough to register or buy a ticket.

Plan ahead

When setting up your own event landing page, a great way to start is by marking out clear expectations and goals for the event page itself. Having a solid plan for your page can help give you more direction when you start writing and designing the page.

If you streamline the process of creating your landing page, that means no time or money will be wasted on unnecessary work. It also means that every individual element of the page directs your visitors toward one goal so that you can achieve the best possible results for your event.

Set a clear conversion goal

As we’ve already seen, there are 2 main kinds of event landing pages: an event registration landing page and a lead generation landing page. With each type, your conversion goal will be different: Do you want to sell tickets or assess the level of interest in your event?

Then, you’ll need to think about how many tickets you want to sell before the event date and what kind of information you think would be helpful to know about your audience.

Defining a clear conversion goal for your landing page will set you up for the best chance of success.

Define your target audience

Understanding the kind of audience you want to target is fundamental to creating a strong event landing page.

Prior to setting up an event registration landing page, you’ll want to do some market research to determine what kind of people are most likely to attend your event. For example, a conference landing page is going to look and read differently from an event page for a contemporary art fair.

If you want to hit your conversion goal, be sure to tailor the copy and design of your event landing page to your target demographic. People are much more likely to take interest in your event page if they recognize themselves in the visuals and identify with the content of the page itself.

If your function has wide-ranging appeal, audience segmentation can help you address multiple demographics across your entire page. Segmentation breaks down your wider audience into subgroups so that everyone feels included, and it can also stop your event landing page from becoming too vague or impersonal.

Start writing

Once you’ve determined what you want your event landing page to do and who you’re making the landing page for, it’s time to start copywriting. Copy that captures the imagination of the people who land on your page can go a long way in getting them excited about your event and persuading them to purchase tickets.

Highlight key event details

Your event landing page is the first place potential attendees will look when they read all the important details of your event. Clearly stating the Five W’s and an H (i.e., Who, What, Why, When, Where, and How) of your event can help people understand what your event is about. This gives people a clear idea of what to expect from your event, so they can feel more secure in their participation.

Event pages that make these key event details clearly available to visitors are more likely to see high conversion rates.

  • Who is organizing this event? Let prospective guests know of any speakers or sponsors involved, too. Including imagery or testimonials increases a sense of connection between page visitors and those involved in the event planning.
  • What kind of event are you holding? Is it a conference? A webinar? A launch party? Give those viewing your page a good idea of what the event itself will look like and what you’ve got in store for them if they do decide to register.
  • Why is this event being organized? Is it an educational event, a fundraiser, a celebration? Understanding the reasons and values behind your event will help prospective guests feel invested in what you’re putting on and encourage them to get involved.
  • When will the event take place? This might be a great place to include a countdown, which is mentioned later in this article. If your event is a conference that takes place over a number of days, breaking down an outline of the itinerary for each day can be helpful, too.
  • Where will the event be held? If it’s online, make sure to be clear which platform you’ll be using. If it’s an in-person event, images of the venue (especially if it’s particularly exciting) will encourage people to visualize themselves there.
  • How can prospective guests secure a ticket or register interest? For most event landing pages, this is the key conversion goal. Make the How part of your event landing page as simple and easy to follow as possible.

Include a call to action

You can complete your conversion goal by encouraging visitors to click a call to action (CTA) on your event page. CTAs are prompts that call on the reader to complete a simple action, such as directing them to click a link or contact your business.

CTAs are usually built out of an imperative action verb, combined with an adverb to increase a sense of urgency. Some examples of simple CTAs include “Buy Now” or “Register Here.”

You’ll want to avoid putting too much information in your CTAs, as it will hinder their impact. CTAs need to be clear and relatively simple if you want to snap your reader out of decision fatigue.

You also don’t want to add too many CTAs on one page, or you may risk overwhelming potential guests. Many event landing pages use hyperlinked text for CTAs, but you might want to add more visual interest with call-to-action buttons.

Encourage visitors to share

One way to include multiple CTAs without distracting from your central conversion goal is to encourage visitors to share the event landing page on social media once they have registered or bought their tickets.

By placing two CTAs one after the other, you will avoid simultaneous and conflicting demands on your clients. This way, you also will be able to raise event awareness without compromising on your primary goal.

Asking attendees to share your event landing page will bring more traffic to your page overall. Those who are already signed up for the event will likely have connections with similar interests, generating leads that are more likely to convert into action.

Create a simple registration form

Your registration page should be as simple as possible—only ask visitors to fill in the most essential details. Prospective attendees are more likely to click away from longer or more complex forms, as they can take significant time to complete.

Registration forms also help you better understand your target demographic and give you access to contact information for updates on future events. People who have attended your events in the past are more likely to attend the same kind of event in the future.

Keep it concise

It’s not just forms that need to be kept simple; all your copy should be as concise as possible. If there is a lot of information that you would like to make available, consider dividing it on separate page tabs so that visitors can decide to click on whatever information they need to know.

Try to limit distracting outbound links as much as you can. It could otherwise cause excited potential guests to leave your event landing page, which will impact your conversion rate.

Show social proof

Social proof is a psychological phenomenon that describes the way in which we are likely to copy or mirror the actions of others when deciding what we should do in any given situation. When it comes to buying tickets or registering for an event, people are more likely to answer your CTAs if other people recommend it.

There are many forms of social proof that you can use on your event landing page. All of them offer slightly different ways of building trust with your audience.

You might wish to include reviews from previous attendees. These can be simple quote texts, or you can even include a video testimonial section with past guests talking about how they benefited from their experience.

Recommendations from experts in your field can add value to your event and provide trustworthy evidence to potential guests. Similarly, influencer or celebrity endorsements provide strong social proof that your event is worth attending.

Even numerical data, such as showing satisfaction or recommendation rates, can work extremely well as evidence of the value your event will provide. Highlighting statistics with different fonts or colors will help the numbers stand out so that visitors to your page don’t have to spend too much time reading.

Think about SEO

Event landing pages aren’t just about converting views to action—they are a great promotional tool in their own right. Your landing page is an online space that represents not only your event but your entire brand.

To drive traffic to your event landing page, you’ll need to use search engine optimization (SEO). The aim of SEO writing is to get your event landing page to the highest possible position on the search engine results page (SERP). That means when people search topics related to your event, they’ll get to see your event landing page in the first page of results.

For SEO copywriting, this involves making use of keywords—especially in page headings—that search engine users might look up, especially in relation to an event like yours.

Make a visual impact

Having great copywriting on your event landing page will only take you so far. Once you have prospective attendees on your site, your event landing page design has to keep them engaged.

Just like with copy, the perfect event page design needs to be simple enough so that people don’t get overwhelmed, but also exciting so that it directs their attention to your central CTA. There are many elements that go into making an event page visually dynamic, so let’s take a look at just a few key components.

Create a consistent event page design

To convert views into actions, you need a clear event page design that is completely on brand.

Strong branded visuals will help distinguish your event landing page from the competition. Creating a visual identity that clients can buy into requires consistency across typography, color scheme, graphics, and styles.

If you’re organizing an event in connection with a company or institution, continuity between the larger brand identity and the event visuals will help increase recognition and build on preexisting brand loyalty.

Choose a hero image

If you decide to use a landing page template with a hero area, it will be the first thing visitors see when they arrive at your event page. Some of the best event landing pages use a hero image to represent the event with an overlaid call to action, rather than just stating the title of the event.

If you’re adding text of any kind, keep in mind that it needs to have enough contrast to be legible across the whole image.

Hero images should have a high enough resolution to look clean across a variety of devices but remember that extremely large images can impact loading time. This can lead visitors to click away from your event page, lowering your conversion rate.

Opt for video content

A video that’s featured prominently on your landing page can give guests a real sense of what prior events have looked like or even a sneak peek for what’s to come.

Including a promotional video of people at past events, especially where attendees look particularly engaged or excited, can demonstrate to potential future guests that tickets are worth buying. Similarly, you could include videos of upcoming speakers, giving your audience a taste of what’s in store if they register or purchase a ticket today.

These kinds of videos act as trust signals because they demonstrate the value your future attendees will get from your event. Trust signals are another form of social proof, letting visitors know that they’re safe in your hands and that the event they’re signing up for will deliver as expected.

Add a social feed

Another great trust signal is having a social feed on your event page, which can include images of past events or quotes from previous visitors. This adds credibility to your event so that potential attendees feel like they have the chance to be a part of something big.

Feeds that are linked to social media also provide a direct way for interested visitors to connect with your brand. This is particularly useful if you’re in the lead generation phase, as visitors have the chance to follow you on other platforms, so they will remain organically updated when tickets are released.

Make use of animation

Animating elements on your page can really help engage prospective guests and make for a more unique landing page. Animation can also solve some of the issues with visitors potentially being overwhelmed by information. For example, slide-up tab animations hide further information to keep your CTA front and center while encouraging users to interact with the page.

Animating key details or particularly exciting elements of your event can draw attention to what’s important and get visitors excited about what they’re seeing.

Include a countdown

One of the best ways to increase a sense of urgency, prompt interaction, and boost ticket sales is to provide a countdown to your upcoming event. Countdowns work especially well when they are animated—the moving numbers can give a tangible sense of excitement.

If your focus is lead generation rather than registration, a countdown to ticket release helps build anticipation and brings users back to your event page in the future.

Think about responsive design

It’s important to design an event landing page that looks great, whether your audience is viewing it on a mobile or desktop device. There are 2 main approaches to this problem: adaptive design and responsive design.

The adaptive method requires creating various versions of your event landing page design and displaying the correct version in line with whatever device the site visitor is using. The responsive design method involves fluid page elements that respond to the device, moving or stretching to fit whatever size it’s in.

Turn excitement into reality with your event landing page

Event landing pages are relatively easy and inexpensive to set up, but they can make a huge difference to the success of your event, so they represent a great return on investment.

With a solid plan, strong copywriting, and consistent brand design, you’ll be well on your way to creating a landing page that sets your event apart from the competition.

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