Before we released Mailchimp Pro, we tested it. Then we tested it some more. After a year of creating and testing, we were proud to have built something that benefits not only our users, but also the email marketing we share with them. When we started thinking about how to announce the release of Mailchimp Pro to the world, we knew we were working with the best tools for the job. And, predictably, we tested even more. Here’s a little look at all the experimentation that went into the creation and early marketing of Pro.
Testing Multivariate Testing
We got warmed up for using Pro to announce Pro by using it to roll out a few more product announcements. Since the Mailchimp marketing team is just a 30-second Heely ride away from the product team, they let us try all the new features while they were still being developed. So before Pro was out in the world we started working on 8 versions of an email about our new A/B testing features. We followed that up by testing 5 variations of an email about Mailchimp Subscribe.