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How to Write a New Website Announcement Email (+ Examples)

After you've updated your existing site, it's time to announce your new and improved website to your customers.

You've been working on a new website adding graphics, custom-written content, and lots of ways for your website visitors to interact with your content. You are just putting the finishing touches so that the site is ready to launch. This is an exciting time for your business, and the new website launch is how you're going to get the word out to the public about these awesome additions or changes.

If this is where you are in your establishment of a new website, you know how important a website launch can be. Your new site is really going to wow your customers and draw in new prospects. But, in order for that to work, you need to get out your megaphone and grab people's attention.

Whether you are a new startup company or a large corporation updating website features, you still need visitors to land on your site and engage with it.

So how do you use your metaphorical megaphone? What actions do you need to take for your brand new website to reap the rewards you are anticipating? This page will give you the answers to these questions.

How do you announce a new website launch?

To answer this question, you need to start by defining why people need to visit your website and who those visitors will be. If you've created personas for your content, you have already done this work. Once you know who you're trying to reach by announcing a new website, you're ready for the details.

Write a press release

Although most people get their news digitally these days, writing a press release or blog post announcing your website launch is a great place to start. A press release is usually short, no longer than one page, and it lets people know what you're presenting.

Make sure that your press release is written in the right format so that it will get picked up by various news organizations and distributed to the right departments.

If a publication has room, they will add your announcement exactly as you have written it, although they may edit it. Submit your press release to as many organizations that cover your industry or have readers that would be interested in your announcement.

Create a promotional offer

If you're selling products or services that can be discounted or promoted with a special gift, offer this promotion to incentivize current and prospective clients to visit right away.

A great example of a promotional offer is the free trial of a streaming service for several days, giving customers a chance to try it now and buy it later. Most people are thrilled to try free offers like this, exposing them to the product you're selling.

Send out an email

Sending out an email to a targeted list of potential buyers is still one of the best ways to promote a new website launch (or other business announcements).

An email list is composed of people who've opted into your email list which makes it much easier to get their attention and interest. Using landing page best practices, you can send email recipients directly to a landing page that is the beginning of your sales or marketing funnel.

Benefits of an announcement email

Even though emails are one of the oldest ways to communicate with customers online, email marketing is very effective. It also helps you personalize your marketing since you can add a name to every email.

1. Email users have opted-in to get your email

An email list is comprised of existing customers and other people interested in your business enough to sign up for your email. That means they want and expect to hear from you.

They've invested themselves in your content. So, when you send out an email they are more likely to read it than the audience on social media, for instance.

2. Email is easily accessible

Since a high percentage of people have access to their email from their computers, tablet, and phone, email can reach them practically anywhere there is an internet connection.

To get to your email, they just need to click on their notification or app on their device to read your email. Many services now give you the option to send out notifications to subscribers via text.

These are good ways to alert people, however, they don't give you much room to send a message. Some companies use texting to alert subscribers about a new email.

3. They can opt-out

Email recipients can opt-out at any time if they're no longer interested, putting the power of choice in their hands. Since they are aware of this, they feel more confident in staying on your list. It also means the people on your list are still interested in what you sell.

4. You can send an email at any time of day

There is no barrier to sending an email at any time of day or night because you can schedule it to distribute at the most effective time. You can create and send the email, then send it globally in different time zones. In fact, you can schedule them to be distributed at the right time in every time zone. Segmentation is a good way to do this.

5. Emails are delivered rapidly

Email goes straight to the user in a timely fashion, meaning that everyone gets one almost immediately after it's sent. That is different than social media which doesn't allow all of your followers to see every post unless they search for them or visit your home page or dashboard.

6. Emails are trackable

Mailchimp makes it easy to track users' behavior after they open your email. This helps you determine the effectiveness of your email and which content they are spending time with when visiting your website.

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Get Mailchimp's guide for advanced email marketing

Grow your business with the right knowledge and strategies to improve your emails, capture the attention of audiences, and turn leads into loyal customers.

Get Mailchimp's guide for advanced email marketing

Grow your business with the right knowledge and strategies to improve your emails, capture the attention of audiences, and turn leads into loyal customers.

How to write an exciting new website announcement email

Plan your announcements carefully

A website announcement email is the most effective when you've planned it ahead of time and chosen wording and graphics custom-designed for that particular email.

Mailchimp offers lots of templates to help you design the graphics for your emails. You can completely customize the templates to reflect your branding and voice.

Tap into your readers' emotions

People are more interested in an email if you can find a way to connect to them emotionally. Getting them excited for new features or products is a sure way to build anticipation in announcing a new site.

Send a test email

Mailchimp gives you the opportunity to send a test email. This is the last time you'll see the email before it gets sent to your list. Seeing it the way your subscribers will emphasize any technical or grammatical issues. You can catch those mistakes before subscribers see them. Details like color and sizing of graphics show up in your test email and you can make any needed adjustments.

Use visuals to create excitement

Visuals like images, graphics, and video content are a good way to build interest and engage readers. Use clear images and make sure your image size won't create long loading times.

Build your email list

This may seem like a no-brainer, but not everyone creates a dynamic email list that is continually growing. Before you send out your website launch announcement, build your email list. Spend time developing and curating an email list so your list is ready to go when your announcement is published.

Have a clear announcement purpose

An announcement should be simple, straightforward, and concise. Give your announcement one overriding purpose. Then create the announcement to grab attention and direct that attention precisely where you want it to go.

Website launch announcement ideas and examples

1. Land's End

Land's End is known for its high-quality merchandise and how it brings families together. This website launch announcement helps customers move from their catalog to an online ecommerce website.

2. SDA Creative

This new website is announced when people land on the home page. So simple of a design impacts every visitor as soon as they land on the website.

3.The New York Times

When The New York Times updated its website, the changes were made including new mobile-friendly technology to make it easy to read the news from any type of device.

Draft the perfect email announcement with Mailchimp

Mailchimp offers several features that can help you create and send the perfect email announcement of your new website. You can start by using our website launch checklist to ensure a successful website launch. If you don't have a website, you can create a new website with Mailchimp's website builder.

If you need help building the website, check out our website development guide. Mailchimp can walk you through designing, creating, and implementing your new website announcement so that you obtain the best results for your new site.

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