Your website plays a crucial role in the success of your business. It's how customers can find out more about your brand, contact you, and make purchases. But you can't just make a website for your business and call it a day. You also need to track what goes on with your website, such as where users click and how far they scroll, and you can do so with a heat map.
But what is a heat map, and why is it so important?
A heat map is an essential tool that businesses can use to track the efficiency of their websites. Website heatmaps provide data visualization, making it easier to discover actionable insights and identify user behavior. A heat map shows financial data in a visual format and uses color schemes rather than numbers to describe behaviors and trends.
In this article, we'll discuss what heat maps are, why they're essential for businesses to use, the different types of heat maps, and more. Continue reading to learn more about heat maps and how they can help your company visualize complex data more efficiently.