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How Can Content Aggregators Help Streamline Your Business

Learn how content aggregators can streamline your business by gathering and organizing information from multiple sources.

Content aggregators can streamline your business and marketing efforts by helping you reach new audiences by delivering relevant and valuable content to your target audience.

Every business needs a content strategy that attracts and converts customers while facilitating every stage of the customer journey. Unfortunately, brainstorming topics, finding resources, and writing content can be time-consuming for small business owners.

Aggregating content can help beef up your content strategy, helping you find blogs, articles, videos, images, and social content from other sources and sharing another publisher or creator's content on your own platform. With content aggregation, you compile information on any topic related to target keywords and publish them on a single platform, giving credit to the original source.

Content aggregators can help you improve your content strategy by providing valuable resources, facilitating content creation, and improving your content distribution efforts. Keep reading to learn more about content aggregators and how you can use them to streamline your business.

What is a content aggregator?

A web content aggregator is a website that gathers information from various online sources and puts it on one platform. For instance, you can find a content aggregator for every topic, from digital marketing to food and travel.

These aggregators collect all types of content from the internet, including blogs, social media posts, videos, and articles from news publications, putting them all in one place for you to easily access all the information you need related to a topic.

There are several ways you can use content aggregators in your business. For instance, you can use them to distribute content and get more views on your blogs and articles to make it easier for potential customers to find you online. Additionally, you can use them as a source of information to help you craft compelling content.

Content aggregation is different from curated content, although you can use both as part of your content strategy. Content aggregation is automatic, meaning your content will automatically be added to the aggregator once you use it to distribute content. On the other hand, content curation is something an individual does to share content with their followers.

With curated content, a curator typically shares another publisher's post on social media or their blog with their own thoughts, providing their audience with relevant information. On the other hand, with content aggregation, there are no original thoughts or commentary included since it's essentially a list of all available content about a particular topic on the internet.

That said, you can use a content aggregator to find and curate content for your own marketing channels, allowing you to create shareable content. For instance, you can use a content aggregator to find industry news and share it with your audience on social media or your blog.

There are several types of content aggregator websites you can use to create a content plan or help you brainstorm ideas for your own blogs and social media posts.

  • Social media aggregators: Social media aggregators compline content from other social media platforms to help people find user-generated content they can share with their own audience.
  • News aggregators: News aggregators combine news from various trustworthy publications worldwide. You can find international, local, or hyper-local news aggregators.
  • RSS feed aggregators: RSS feed aggregators collect information about certain topics from websites, blogs, and publications and organize them in one simple-to-read RSS feed. You can create your own RSS feed with content from your blog and let users sign up to receive alerts when you publish new content.
  • Content curation platforms: Content curation platforms are a type of content aggregator you can use to curate content for social media or your website, making it easier to share content online.

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The main purpose of a content aggregator is to gather news, articles, blogs, posts, and other media from around the web about a specific topic. Both users and businesses can benefit from aggregators because it provides an easy method of finding information that interests them.

For instance, someone who loves traveling may use a travel content aggregator to find content, while a business may use it to find content related to their niche. A few of the most significant benefits of content aggregator websites include the following:

Saves time and effort in creation and distribution

Aggregating content can help you save time creating and distributing your own content. With aggregated content, you can find relevant information about topics you want to write about and use other articles and blogs as sources. Additionally, you can use aggregators to curate content from one simple source instead of the thousands on the internet.

Content aggregator tools also distribute your content for you. While you should still distribute your articles and social media and via email newsletters, a content aggregator can act as a third party that promotes your posts by helping users find relevant information they're looking for on a certain topic.

Helps businesses stay updated with the latest news and trends

Content aggregation tools help your business stay updated on the latest industry news and trends. For instance, if you're an e-commerce business, you can use content aggregator sites to learn about the latest technological advances to help your business succeed.

Improves social media engagement and reach

Content aggregators improve your social media optimization by ensuring you have enough content to share with your followers. For instance, you can use a content aggregator to find relevant content that interests your followers, similar to how you'd curate content.

Increases website traffic and search engine rankings

Search engine optimization (SEO) is no longer an option. If you want your website to be found online, you need an optimization strategy that helps you dominate search engines. A content aggregator can improve traffic and search engine rankings because it allows you to more easily curate content from around the web and use it on your own website, as long as you give the original publisher credit.

Of course, aggregated content is technically duplicate content, so copying and pasting someone else's article on your website is never a good idea. However, you can use their article or blog as the basis for your own by adding a unique perspective, which is how content curation works.

Enables businesses to monitor their brand reputation

Content aggregation tools can help you monitor your brand reputation online. For instance, you can monitor brand mentions on social media by signing up for a content aggregation tool and using it to find your brand name across the internet.

Using a content aggregator can streamline your business and marketing efforts by helping you find highly relevant content you can use on your own social media and blogs.

Additionally, you can use it as an article research tool to find relevant sources you can cite in your original content or as a market research tool to learn more about your positioning in the market by monitoring brand mentions.

Here are a few tips for using a content aggregator for business:

Choose the right content aggregator for your business needs

As we've mentioned, many different types of content aggregation tools are available, so you'll need to consider why you want to use one in the first place. For instance, if you want to beef up your social media strategy by finding industry-relevant posts, you might try a social media aggregator that allows you to share posts directly from the platform. Meanwhile, if you want to use it as a research tool, you can aggregate content from an RSS content aggregator site.

Create a content curation strategy

Most businesses use RSS feeds and aggregated content to enhance their content curation strategy. With content curation, you'll find relevant articles, blogs, and posts to re-share on your own site or social media feed. However, you'll provide your own spin on the topic. For instance, you can highlight the key takeaways from a news aggregator and collect content from across the web to fill up your social media calendar.

Automate content distribution through content aggregators

Working with a content aggregation site gives you access to their distribution. Therefore, when someone starts using their aggregator, your articles, social posts, and other content will appear in their feeds.

You can create your own RSS feeds to let users view your posts without visiting your social media page or blog. Individuals who sign up for your feed will see your posts with an aggregator. These feeds are commonly used in email marketing to distribute new blog posts to subscribers automatically.

Incorporate content aggregation into your business strategy

Content aggregation tools can help you streamline your content strategy by giving you a single place to find resources and shareable content while enabling you to distribute your content more easily.

Distribute your content more efficiently with Mailchimp. With our content marketing tools, you can set up an RSS email campaign to deliver your new content directly to subscribers.

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