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How to Create and Embed Email Graphics

Email graphics have become an increasingly popular way to spruce up your emails. Learn email graphics best practices and more in this guide.

Email graphics have become an increasingly popular way to spruce up your emails and draw readers’ attention, but email graphic design isn’t as simple as it sounds. Using graphics in your emails is a delicate balance; using too many graphics can take away from the rest of the content.

Graphic requirements for mobile and desktop compatibility are also important to consider when it comes to email graphics. You want your graphics to display properly across as many devices as possible, but there are specific best practices you need to follow to accomplish that. If you want to make your emails better with marketing graphics, here are some tips to help you out.

Everything starts with a good email design

There are a lot of things that go into effective email marketing, but good email design is the foundation of an effective email marketing campaign. Email design refers to the actual meat and potatoes of email marketing—the content within the emails. You need to make sure you’re wording your emails right, including the right email graphics, and laying out emails in a way that makes them easy to read.

Email design isn’t just about making your emails look fancy with graphics, it’s about optimizing your emails for your diverse mailing list. In addition to making sure your emails look nice, you need to consider the fact that people are using different devices, operating systems, web browsers, and email clients, all of which can change the way your emails look. Proper email design means making sure your email graphics load and looks right for all the addresses on your mailing list.

Email graphic requirements

As simple as it might sound to add graphics to your emails and call it a day, it’s not that easy. There are certain things you need to take into account when you’re creating graphics for emails. You need to make sure you’re choosing the right format, color mode, and alt text for your graphics. You also need to make sure your graphics aren’t too large, both in terms of resolution and file size.

When people open your emails, those emails should load relatively quickly. If somebody clicks on an email and it doesn’t load for several seconds, there’s a good chance they’re going to return to their inbox and look at another email. This is known as an email bounce, and it can cause serious hiccups in your email marketing campaign. This is why it’s important to make sure your images aren’t too large.

Common image formats for email graphics include PNG, JPG, and GIF. The format you choose depends on what kind of graphic you’re adding to your emails. For example, you’ll want to save your graphics as PNG files to maintain transparency in the image.

Make sure you use the RGB color mode for your email graphics because CMYK graphics may not render properly in a web browser or email client. In some cases, CMYK can cause embedded graphics to malfunction.

When you add an image, you should add alt text as well. This alt text will load for users who can’t load the image, that way they’re not staring at a blank page.

Make your own marketing graphics

Making your own graphics for email marketing can help you save money while giving your email marketing campaign a significant boost. Even better, you get complete control over your graphics, including the colors and fonts you use. With Mailchimp, you can easily create graphics with Canva, because Canva is integrated directly into our services.

As long as you have a Canva account, you can connect it with your Mailchimp account to add images you create in Canva directly to your emails through Mailchimp. All you have to do is log into your Canva account, go to the editor for any design template, and click on the “...” button. From here, you can select Mailchimp from the options and connect your Mailchimp account by logging in.

After you’ve connected Canva and Mailchimp, all you need to do is click the “...” button for any design you want to use with Mailchimp. Once you’ve selected Mailchimp, you can click the “Save” button to sync your design with Mailchimp. Now you can easily create images in Canva and import them to Mailchimp as JPG images that are optimized for email.

Keep in mind that there are alternatives to using Canva and similar tools to create graphics for emails. If you’re more comfortable using Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator, you can create your email graphics with these programs as well. Just remember that you need to keep file sizes to a minimum, set the color mode to RGB, and save your images in the right format.

If you decide to make your own images, keep in mind that you’ll need to figure out how to add them without Canva integration. This typically means finding a place where you can host your images online, then use that host to embed those images into your emails using HTML or other methods.

How to embed email graphics

Once you’ve got your email graphics ready to go, it’s time to embed them in your emails. You can use digital asset management tools to help you sync your graphics across all your different marketing campaigns.

Embedding email graphics is one of the top reasons for using HTML emails, and it’s easier than you might think. The trick to embedding graphics in emails using HTML is that you need to find a place to host these graphics. This is because you use HTML to load these graphics within your emails from a server rather than sending them directly via email.

When you’re embedding email graphics, you’ll need to use the tag. Here’s how it looks:

 <img src=””>

Simply replace the URL in the example with the URL of the image you want to embed and it will load up within your emails. The best part is, you don’t have to worry about learning how to write HTML code or hosting your own images when you use Mailchimp. Mailchimp hosts your images for you with our built-in email designer, so you can add graphics to your email without all the complications. All you have to do is create your email graphics, add them to your Mailchimp account, and use our email designer to embed your graphics in your emails and take your email marketing to another level.

Always include email graphics

Email graphics are one of the best ways to give your emails a boost aesthetically. When you use graphics to make your emails clean and easy to read, you’re making your marketing campaign more accessible to a wider audience. Choosing the right graphics and following best practices is important if you want to get the most out of designing emails with graphics.

If you want to know how to make an email look better with graphics, Mailchimp can help. With Mailchimp, uploading graphics and embedding them in your emails is easier than ever. Plus, Canva integration makes it easier to make your own graphics. If you need help with email graphics, check out our content creation tools.

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