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6 of the Best UI/UX Design Tools

Explore this list of UI/UX design tools to find the best tool to help you create an appealing user interface and experience for your site visitors.

A presence on digital platforms is absolutely essential for every company and organization. Many customer relationships start online or on smartphone apps. Even patrons who still prefer face-to-face interactions will use digital tools to check prices or receive communications from their favorite brands. Businesses that do not offer such options are not able to compete with those that do.

Customer relationship management tools help enterprises and smaller operations make targeted recommendations and streamline the customer experience by personalizing browsing and offers. However, the most important aspect of a digital platform is the user experience (UX). Customers not only expect a company to have a website and app, but they also expect an easy-to-navigate, intuitive, and attractively designed user interface (UI).

What is UI/UX design, and why is it important?

UI/UX design involves creating all the user-facing aspects of the website or mobile application. What do designers need to consider during a UI/UX project?

What is the difference between UI and UX?

UI design focuses on the layout of the site. The graphics, visuals, color, buttons, menus, and branding elements are all aspects of the user interface. UX design focuses on the overall interaction between the user and the site. Navigation, layout, loading speed, and interactivity are all important user experience qualities.

Why are UX and UI important?

UI design isn't just about making a good-looking website. Businesses need to create a site that fits their brand image. That means using the colors, logos, and text that define the brand and match other publications and marketing materials.

More importantly, a poor user experience can affect a company's bottom line. The good news, however, is that there are plenty of UI UX design tools that help businesses of all sizes create sites that users will be happy to return to again and again. This can help increase web traffic in the long run.

Practical considerations

It's important to properly document the customer-facing portions of a website or app. If it is constructed using a well-organized framework, it will be easy to test, debug, and update the platform in the future. Getting it correct the first time could mean the difference between an easy update and a complete rebuild in the future.

UX designers also need to consider load times and device compatibility. The UI components need to load quickly; otherwise, users will get frustrated and could leave the site or close the app. Also, the site should look the same regardless of the device or internet browser that the user employs. Sometimes, this can be challenging when designing for both web and mobile browsers.

Good UI/UX design tools will help you ensure that you don't overlook any of these practical considerations while building an attractive, well-branded site, blog, or app.

6 best UX/UI design tools

While a design project may seem like a daunting task, there are a wide variety of UI/UX design tools that can help professionals–and those without much technical experience–build a website and application that meets (and hopefully exceeds) user expectations.

Here are 6 of the best tools for UI/UX design.


Figma is one of the best all-in-one UI UX design tools. It is currently one of the most popular options in the market. It stands out in terms of functionality because it can handle almost everything involved in UI/UX projects. It offers a prototyping feature, allowing designers to test and tweak all aspects of their site and see how users will interact with it. You can create and format all the visual elements within the platform and manage all digital assets.

Figma also has a robust feature for creating website wireframes, which allows designers to map out the entire site. This is essential for a streamlined user experience because it ensures smooth navigation and reveals any problems early in the design process.

The most notable feature of Figma is the co-editing component. It allows multiple designers and developers to collaborate and coordinate their efforts in real-time. Companies that have a design team or hire contractors to create specific UI or UX elements will prefer Figma over most other UX design tools on the market.

Figma also has a user-friendly interface. Designers without any knowledge of coding can create a complete site. This usability makes Figma a good option for small business owners who want to create their own site.

Figma is available for both Windows and macOS users.


Sketch is also another multi-purpose digital design tool. It is typically used for creating prototypes and designs that the UX/UI specialists can hand off to a developer.

Like Figma, Sketch has prototyping, wireframing, and UI design features. It also supports multiple users, so it can serve as a collaborative platform for UX/UI design.

The Sketch interface is quite simple, so it is an option for designers who focus on visuals but lack technical knowledge and small business owners who are handling the design themselves.

Sketch is only available on Apple, so you need to use the macOS system. Windows users will have to choose other UI/UX design tools.

Adobe XD

Adobe XD is a design tool that is most often used for prototyping and collaborative designing. It is part of the Abode family, so it could be a logical choice for designers who already use tools like Illustrator and Photoshop.

Adobe XD allows for intuitive, visual layout design. Developers can create static designs and then add interactive elements to them later in the process. This makes XD a good option for UI professionals who want to take a more visual approach to projects.

Like all the other best tools for UI/UX design, XD has a prototyping feature to test and debug everything before publishing. You can handle the entire process without any coding or technical knowledge.

Adobe XD is available as a cloud-based tool, so users can access it via any browser. This helps with compatibility issues that come up with some other programs.


Framer is a unique option because you can start using it for free and then upgrade to the paid membership when it's time to publish or add more collaborators to the project. If you want to try out the latest blog design tips, you can simply stick to the free version, which works for practice or personal sites.

Framer is a good option if you want to add animations to your site because you can create such visuals inside the program.

Framer has another advantage. It is accessible on mobile devices. In addition to macOS and Windows, it works on iOS and Android. Designers who prefer to work with tablets will enjoy this unique level of compatibility.

Despite having a free option, Framer offers a full slate of professional features, including a prototyping/testing mode, a wireframing tool, and file management.


ProtoPie is a specialized option among UX UI design tools. Unlike the other tools, which offer a full range of features, this one focuses only on prototyping.

The primary advantage of ProtoPie is that it is very easy to use. There is no learning curve, and you do not need any technical knowledge or the ability to write computer code.

ProtoPie works well with other design tools. In fact, it has special plug-ins that allow you to import files from other UI/UX design tools, including Sketch, Adobe XD, and Figma. Designers who find the prototyping features on other programs challenging should consider ProtoPie because of its ease of use.

It is also compatible with most operating systems and devices, including macOS, iOS, Windows, and Android.


Balsamiq is another specialized UX/UI tool. It focuses on wireframes. It automates the layout process and makes it accessible to designers without any technical knowledge. You simply drag and drop elements onto the platform, creating a full sketch-style map.

Balsamiq offers the ability to link data, create presentations, and test prototype versions of your designs.

Balsamiq is a good choice for UX and UI designers because it simplifies one of the most challenging aspects of UX/UI design. Meanwhile, presentation and data tools are excellent for collaboration. Also, it's possible to integrate Balsamiq with Google Drive and other cloud-based platforms so that multiple users can access the project even if they aren't located in the same office.

Build websites with users in mind

Good UX/UI design is now more important than ever. Even in-person shoppers expect user-friendly sites and apps, and a poor design could drive customers to your competitors.

UI/UX is an essential aspect of website, blog, and app design. These accessible software options will also make sophisticated processes like wireframing and prototyping possible for people who do not have the technical knowledge or the ability to write computer code. They also help small business web design because they make professional sites possible even if you lack a design budget.

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