Think about the last time you received outstanding service at a local restaurant and recommended it to everyone you know. Or when you had an online customer service experience that was so memorable, you had to call it out on your social media channels.
Now, think about the times you’ve gotten recommendations like these from friends or colleagues—and how much their endorsement of a business or service made you want to try it out for yourself. Because it came from someone you know, this word-of-mouth referral often resonates better than a flashy TV spot or social post ever could. In a nutshell, this is the power of peer-to-peer marketing (P2P).
In the context of your agency or freelance business, you can mobilize P2P by getting referrals from people who already know you and your work, and it’s a powerful tool to help you win new business opportunities.
How powerful? In our 2022 Mailchimp & Co Benchmark Report, an invaluable resource that details what over 2,000 surveyed agencies and freelancers from 63 countries think about the current state of the industry, 48% of freelancers ₁ said that client referrals are—far and away—the best way to bring in new clients.
The bottom line? If you or your sales team (if you have one) can learn how to ask for referrals and convince your clients to talk you up to their friends and business connections, you’re more likely to win more business—and grow your own.
With that in mind, we want to share a few tips that can help you overcome whatever’s holding you back—and help you learn how to turn your clients into evangelists for your business.
Let’s start by taking a look at some of the data from this year’s Benchmark Report to learn why referrals—and their winning ability to generate leads—can be so powerful for your business.
₁ Featured article data is based on findings from our 2022 Benchmark Report and, where noted, some stats are freelancer-specific or agency-specific.