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4 Website Redesign Ideas to Revamp Your Site and Attract New Users

It's time to redesign your website, but where do you start? Check out these website redesign ideas to draw inspiration.

In an increasingly digital world, it’s now more important than ever to connect with customers online if you run a business.

Cultivating a digital presence and building an online following can be a major boost to your brand, especially if you’re an e-commerce business.

With an online presence, you can potentially offer your products and services to people from around the world and take your brand to new heights.

Your website is your company’s primary form of representation on the web. A good website conveys a brand’s values and its unique image while at the same time offering users intuitive functionality and a smooth experience. By optimizing your company website, you can expand your brand’s digital presence and better serve your customers.

If you don’t yet have a website for your company, you can use Mailchimp’s website builder to design your site and get it up and running in no time. If you already do have a website, on the other hand, but would like to improve upon it, consider undertaking a website redesign.

A website redesign describes the process of changing, updating, and improving your website in terms of structure, content, user experience (UX), visual content, and more.

Taking on a website redesign project can allow you to address the weaknesses of your website and increase performance, which can boost the appeal of your site and make it easier for users to navigate.

Not sure where to begin the website redesign process? We have some ideas. In this article, we go over some of the reasons your website may need a redesign and share some exciting website redesign projects and ideas that can help inspire you as you begin to redesign your website with your business goals in mind.

What is a website redesign?

A website redesign refers to the process of making changes to a website in order to improve elements such as performance, functionality, and appearance.

In most cases, a website redesign describes a major overhaul of an existing website that brings the site more in line with a brand’s personality while improving user experience (UX). In the website redesign process, changes may include things such as:

  • Reformatting website pages
  • Updating your online store
  • Optimizing your site for mobile devices
  • Organizing cluttered web pages
  • Crafting new website content and blog articles
  • Optimizing landing pages

As you can see, a website redesign can include any number of tasks, and the scale of a website redesign project will vary according to business needs.

A general website redesign may be necessary if you focus on improving search engine optimization efforts and increasing the overall website performance.

However, a website redesign strategy may also be called for in response to specific changes in your business, such as a rebranding effort, the launch of a new product line, the opening of an online store, and more.

In the next section, we go into more detail about some of the reasons why you might want to redesign your website.

Why would a company redesign its website?

There are several reasons why a company might undertake a website redesign.

Whether a company is trying to improve site performance or keep up with modern design trends, the scope and work associated with a website redesign project will depend on your business goals.

Below, we go over some of the most common reasons why companies choose to engage in website redesign projects.

Rebrand your website

It’s essential that your brand’s values, image, and personality remain consistent across multiple channels. Since your website is the central piece of your company’s online presence, it’s especially important that the look and feel of your website align with your brand.

Everything from the graphic design to the typeface to the functionality on your website should reflect your brand identity.

Whether you’re in the process of a company-wide rebrand or your current site just feels awkward, a website redesign project can be a great way to update your brand’s online presence and provide your business with a fresh look.

Optimize for mobile devices

In today’s digital landscape, it’s crucial to optimize your website for mobile devices. This is because the use of mobile devices to access the internet is now more pervasive than ever.

In fact, as of 2022, mobile makes up more than half of all web traffic worldwide. If you fail to optimize your website for mobile visitors, you’ll be missing out on a lot of potential site traffic.

So what does it mean to optimize your site for mobile? Essentially, optimizing your site for mobile means creating a website that’s capable of performing well on mobile devices such as phones and tablets.

For instance, if you visit on a laptop and on your phone, the website will look different—that’s because the website recognizes when you’re using a mobile device and the design elements adjust accordingly.

Mobile sites are typically more condensed than their desktop counterparts, making them easier to navigate when using a relatively small mobile device.

Improve responsiveness and performance

If you have a slow or underperforming website, this can lead visitors to lead your site and thus increase your bounce rate. Slow page loading times and technical errors can frustrate your users and make your website difficult to use.

After all, no one wants to spend a long time waiting for a site page to load—if your pages take more than a few seconds to load, users will likely abandon your website and explore what competitors have to offer instead.

A website redesign can be a great opportunity to address performance issues affecting your current website and improve upon technical aspects of your site so that pages load more quickly. By improving the responsiveness of your site, you can keep users on your site and lower bounce rates.

Open an online store

If you’re a startup or have traditionally been a brick-and-mortar operation in the past, you may be considering opening an online store. With an online store, you can engage in e-commerce and sell your products and services to people across the globe.

Through a website redesign project, you can design an online store and connect it to your existing website. This also presents an opportunity to modify aspects of your website so that the entire website becomes more aligned with an e-commerce strategy.

For instance, you might make changes to your website that support the customer journey and move site visitors down the marketing funnel.

Optimize for search engines

Search engine optimization (SEO) is extremely important when it comes to driving site traffic and getting more visibility for your brand.

Adding SEO elements to your website enables your website to be more visible on search engines and rank for target keywords. This not only helps to drive traffic overall, but brings visitors to your site who are actively searching for the products and services you have to offer.

There are many ways in which a website redesign can help improve SEO efforts. For instance, you might introduce technical elements that help with SEO optimization, such as alt tags, optimized page URLs, and H1, H2, and H3 tags.

At the same time, you can also add sections to your site designed to aid your SEO efforts, such as a blog populated with SEO-friendly content.

Introduce new offerings

Companies inevitably grow over time and a website should reflect this growth by showcasing all of the products and services that your company has to offer.

If you don’t advertise all of your products and services on your website, then customers may not be aware of certain offerings and go to your competitors instead. This can result in missed opportunities and connections.

With a website redesign, you can update your site to reflect all that you have to offer. Whether you just came out with a major product line or expanded a particular service, a website redesign project allows you to better represent your offerings to visitors.

Boost conversions

Generating a lot of site traffic is good, but it won’t be of much use if those visitors don’t convert into leads or customers. If you notice that your site is underperforming despite high levels of traffic, this can be attributed to certain design elements on your website.

An effective website redesign plan enables you to optimize your site to increase conversions.

This may mean adding a call-to-action on your homepage, updating graphic design elements, or adding e-commerce retail marketing features that strategically guide visitors towards your online store.

Consider consulting with a web designer to learn useful website design tips and build pages that generate conversions.

Add cybersecurity features

Maintaining a high level of security on your website is of the utmost importance, especially if you have an e-commerce website where you request sensitive details from customers, such as payment and shipping information. A hack or other security breach could hurt your organization and significantly damage the trust your customers have in your brand.

A website redesign can present a great opportunity to implement cybersecurity features across your entire site. By protecting sensitive data, you can build trust with customers and protect both your business and clients from falling victim to cybercrime.

How to build a website redesign strategy with your business goals in mind

The tasks you undertake in a website redesign will depend on your particular business goals.

As we illustrated in the previous section, there are many possible reasons why you may choose to redesign your business website, whether it’s to rebrand or add SEO elements or implement cybersecurity features.

In any case, you should keep the following steps in mind as you build a redesign strategy for your own website.

Audit your current website

The first step in a website redesign is to audit your existing site. In other words, go through your site and review existing analytics to see which pages are working and which aren’t.

Identify high-performing aspects of your current website and places that could use work. This will help you determine what to focus on as you build your new website.

Identify key goals

Your business goals will ultimately guide your website redesign strategy. Evaluate your needs, think about how your website factors into your overall marketing strategy, and then identify a few key goals that you’d like to achieve through a website redesign.

Define your target audience

As you build your website, it’s important to know who your audience is. Build buyer personas in order to help you envision and empathize with your target customers.

By defining your target audience, you can more easily create a website that provides that audience with value and speaks to their needs.

Use the right tools

The right tools can make the task of redesigning a website much easier. Using software such as a content management system can streamline the process of building and managing a website.

At the same time, CRM software can help you build better relationships with customers and provide you with actionable insights based on data collected through your website.

Using Mailchimp’s platform, you can quickly and easily build and manage a website. Beyond hosting your website, Mailchimp provides your business with a suite of useful features such as digital marketing and social media capabilities. You can even use Mailchimp to launch your very own online store on your website.

Measure results

The last step in the website redesign process is to measure results. Following any changes or updates, make sure to keep track of relevant KPIs and monitor Google Analytics to evaluate how successful the project was.

Don’t hesitate to make further adjustments or changes if you find that aspects of your website redesign aren’t performing as expected.

4 website redesign ideas

There are many ways to redesign your website to meet your goals. Below are some ideas that you may consider implementing in your own website redesign:

Make your site mobile-friendly

Every website should be able to meet the needs of mobile users. So many people visit websites on mobile devices such as phones and tablets that it would be a tremendous missed opportunity not to be optimized for mobile.

With that in mind, make sure all aspects of your site—from your homepage to your online store—are easy to navigate and engage with when using a mobile device.

Add call-to-action buttons

Adding a visible call-to-action button on your site’s homepage and landing pages can be a great way to encourage users to take a desired action. Whether you want users to place an order, check out a sale, or sign up for an email list, be sure to implement a call-to-action button that’s crafted to convert.

Update stylistic elements

One of the most common reasons to engage in a website redesign is to update graphics and other stylistic elements, such as color schemes, font, text size, and more.

As you update stylistic elements, consider your brand personality and research modern design trends. And, as you update your website, you might want to make sure your email design shares the same stylistic elements in order to ensure brand consistency across channels.

Add content

Publishing content such as blog posts, how-to guides, videos, and even eBooks can be a great way to provide value to your customers and optimize your site for SEO. If your website doesn’t already have a section for a blog or other content, consider creating that content and embedding links to it throughout your site.

Refresh your website often

A website is the cornerstone of any company’s online presence. With an effective website, you can build relationships with customers, provide value, and make sales online.

By undertaking a website redesign, you can emphasize the elements of your site that prove most effective and address your site’s weaknesses. In doing so, you can grow your business and expand your brand’s digital presence.

Redesigning your website is easier when you use the right tools. With Mailchimp, you can build a website, redesign your site as needed, and access a wide range of other marketing tools.

Mailchimp makes it easy to create an online store, run digital ad campaigns, design emails for email marketing campaigns, segment your audience, and more. Use Mailchimp to meet and exceed all of your marketing and website redesign goals.

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