Email A/B Testing
Want to find out what works? Test it! Get resources on creating and comparing campaigns.
Deliverability for Your Clients
We discuss the things that you (and your clients) can do to make sure your emails reach subscriber’s inboxes.
Introducing More Powerful A/B Testing
We introduced a brand new A/B testing experience, complete with a redesigned interface, native content testing, and the ability to compare 3 different versions of a campaign instead of just 2.
Fourth of July Email Marketing Tips
Just because July 4th is a big holiday doesn’t mean you have to go all out. But if you do have something to say, we’ve got some tips for you.
Are Trendy Subject Lines Right for Your Business?
In the spring, “dad and grads” tend to pop up in inbox subject lines. But do these campaigns actually perform well?
Mailchimp's Most Popular Subject Line Emojis
Over 200,000 campaigns have been sent with emojis in the subject line since we officially added support for them.
How We Set Up Emoji Support for Subject Lines
Last week, we rolled out a new email marketing feature: support for emojis in campaign subject lines.
How The Onion Turns Funny Headlines into Great Emails
The Onion has been poking fun at our dumb world for close to 30 years now.