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Maximize Your Time and Resources with Task Automation

Learn how task automation can help improve your time management and streamline business processes.

Improve efficiency and productivity in the workplace with task automation. Task automation is a feature of project management tools that allows you to automate mundane tasks to save time on tedious, time-consuming tasks that don’t necessarily support the most important business initiatives.

You and your employees have a lot of things to accomplish in a day, and sometimes tasks can get lost in the shuffle. Between data entry and other administrative tasks, prioritizing your daily duties can get confusing and stressful.

In just one day, your employees are switching between apps, tools, and browser tabs to find and send important information. Unfortunately, taking their eyes off the most important work for just a second can cost them valuable time.

So instead, you can maximize your time and resources by automating tasks and reducing the time it takes to complete various activities. Continue reading to learn more about task automation and how it can streamline your business processes.

What is task automation?

Task automation is the process of automating time-consuming work tasks that don’t necessarily support the overall business goals.

Instead, it may be necessary to keep track of important information and ensure everyone is on the same page. Unfortunately, these less critical administrative tasks prevent your employees from accomplishing more in a day.

You can automate work tasks to improve workflow accuracy and make your employees more efficient while removing some boring, tedious tasks from the to-do lists. Businesses typically use task automation software to complete tasks instead of handling them manually, which saves time and can boost employee morale.

What are task automation tools?

Task automation software is designed to automate certain tasks, which means no longer doing them manually. Many different types of programs are available to automate manual tasks, and the type you need will depend on which workflows you want to be automated.

For instance, you can automate data entry with your customer relationship management (CRM) software or automate the billing process with an accounting solution that comes with task automation tools.

Task automation tools may be project management tools or other software designed to support other areas of your business. Here are a few examples to help you understand your options:

CRM software

A robust CRM software allows you to set up marketing automation and workflows based on triggers. Essentially, you’ll determine when something will happen and what will happen.

For instance, if you want to send an email at a certain time, you can use your CRM to schedule it. Additionally, you can create automated welcome emails while automating potential leads by sending new contact information directly to a salesperson once they complete a form.

Customer service software

If you deal with multiple customer service inquiries a day, you might invest in customer service automation that streamlines how you communicate with your valued customers. With this software, customers can create tickets, use live chat or chatbots, and send emails directly to your business.

Task management software

Task management software is designed to increase productivity in the workplace and improve collaboration efforts by providing teams with to-do lists and tasks. With robust software, you can automate simple tasks like sending a notification to a manager to let them know a task was completed.

Benefits of task automation

The main purpose of task automation is to improve productivity. When you automate work tasks, you effectively reduce the time it takes to complete something, which can help your employees accomplish more in less time.

The benefits of task automation include the following:

Improves time management

Task automation improves time management, especially when used with task management software. Since your employees don’t have to worry about administrative tasks like data entry, they can move seamlessly from task to task.

Increases efficiency

Task automation allows employees to accomplish more. With workflow automation, they can increase their output in a day while focusing on more important business initiatives. This efficiency can also improve employee satisfaction by eliminating tedious tasks that employees might find boring.

Reduces errors

Task automation eliminates human error. Data entry is one of the most automated types of tasks because it’s time-consuming for humans, and no one enjoys it. However, it’s also prone to human error.

For example, someone can enter a figure incorrectly, causing reports and financial information to be inaccurate. But with automation, your data is transferred from one program to another seamlessly and without error.

Improves work-life balance

Task automation can improve an employee’s work-life balance. Since automating tasks reduces the time it takes to get things done, employees can feel more comfortable working within certain deadlines, reducing the stress they feel on nights and weekends when trying to enjoy themselves.

How to automate tasks

Automating tasks is simple, but how you do it will ultimately depend on the tools you use. Many software today come with task automation features, so you can find tutorials online or work directly with your software provider to learn how to do it. In general, the process for automating tasks looks like this:

1. Create a list of your tasks

Create a list of all the tasks you do on a regular basis, which might include everything from simple tasks like checking your email and deleting spam to complex tasks like reviewing financial information.

2. Categorize your tasks

Some tasks can’t be automated, but many can. With your list of regular tasks in hand, make two new ones based on whether tasks can or can’t be automated.

3. Find a task automation tool

After completing your list of automated tasks, you can find software to help. In most cases, you may need multiple tools depending on the types of tasks you want to complete.

However, there are several tools that allow you to design and implement your own task automations. Just make sure they integrate with your existing software.

4. Implement task automation

Once you’ve found the right tool, you can begin implementing task automation. After creating a workflow, you can review and test it to ensure it functions properly.

Types of tasks that can be automated

Earlier, we mentioned that there are two types of tasks: those that can be automated and those that can’t. Unfortunately, not everything you do at work can be done by a computer program.

Here’s a list of tasks that can be automated to help you create your list and find new tasks to take off your plate:

Repetitive tasks

Repetitive tasks like data entry, sending notifications, and deleting email spam can all be automated. Most people use task automation to eliminate repetitive tasks from their workload to free up more time for work that supports more important business goals.

Email management

Creating and sending marketing emails doesn’t have to be complicated. Instead of waiting for the right time to send your emails, you can prepare them in advance and set a sending schedule. You can do this for all your emails, including email sequences.

For instance, you can send sequences to nurture leads or those based on actions subscribers have taken on your site, like abandoning their carts.

Social media posts

Social media management can be daunting, especially if you make a post for every day of the week. Luckily, you can save time on creating posts and focus more on engaging your audience by investing in a social media management tool that allows you to schedule posts on all your platforms and review metrics in real time.

Customer service

Automating customer service can free up your support team’s time to focus on more pressing customer service concerns.

For instance, when a customer service rep no longer has to focus on customers emailing them asking for shipping information and can instead use the live chat or chatbot feature, they can focus on customers with more serious concerns.

Sales and marketing

Many aspects of sales and marketing can be automated.

For instance, any time someone completes a form on your website, you can send them a welcome email and an internal email to your sales team to let them know they have a new contact. With internal workflows, you can automate different aspects of your marketing efforts, including lead generation, nurturing, and data analysis.

How to choose task automation software

Not every task automation software is designed for every purpose. While some allow you to automate any task possible with the right implementation structure, others are features added to another type of product. For instance, if you use accounting software, you can set up invoice and reminder automations.

Consider the following factors to help you decide which type of task automation software you need to run your business:


If you need a robust tool, you should prepare to spend more. Many small businesses don’t need software that can do everything for them. Instead, they might be able to use add-on features with their current software solution.

However, if you’re looking for a more robust task management platform, you can determine the price by contacting their sales team or choosing a plan based on how many automations you plan on creating.


Not all task automation software will integrate with your existing tools. If you need a specific type of task automated, you may be able to work with one of your existing providers.

For instance, if you use email marketing software, you already have access to automation features.


For task management software to work, it must integrate with your existing tools. If you have specific tools you use on a daily basis, you can check a provider’s website to learn which integrations they have available.

Embrace task automation for improved time management

Most full-time employees only have eight hours to accomplish their daily tasks. With task automation software, you can improve your time management by freeing up more time for important business tasks that support your ultimate goals.

Reduce error and eliminate time-consuming manual processes with Mailchimp. Our all-in-one suite of marketing tools allows you to automate everything from your email campaigns to social media posts. Try Mailchimp today and embrace task automation for your business.

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