Email Marketing
So many tools, so much to sell. Why not start with a simple email?
Making the Most of Inbox Preview
How can you design an email that looks great across any platform your subscribers might use? Inbox Preview.
Deliverability for Your Clients
We discuss the things that you (and your clients) can do to make sure your emails reach subscriber’s inboxes.
The Power of Personalization : How to Humanize your Email Efforts
In our last issue, we dove into segmentation and automation. Now it’s time to dig in to personalization.
Measuring Your Performance and Increasing Engagement
Once subscribers have joined your list and start engaging with your email, there’s more to learn and consider.
What's Your Email Marketing Plan?
If you don't have an answer to that question, you're in luck: We can help.
Why Shea Serrano’s Fans Beg to Pay Him for His Newsletter
The popular writer explains the hacks that've brought him email success.
Highbrow's Quick, Educational Automation
Highbrow is a free email subscription service with one goal: to help you learn something new—in just 5 minutes—every day.
How Sticker Mule Combines E-Commerce and Email
Sticker Mule makes stuff to stick onto other stuff. Designers upload their creations and place orders through the Sticker Mule marketplace.
How Threadless Saved Time and Improved Their Marketing With Mailchimp Pro
Learn the combination of features this online retailer uses to power their massive newsletter audience.