Email Marketing
So many tools, so much to sell. Why not start with a simple email?
How Bee’s Wrap Calls Customers to Action
Bee's Wrap motivates their customers with strategic emails and inspiring calls to action.
Rethinking Subject Lines and Preheaders
Arcade Belts was concerned about their unsubscribe rate. They decided to rethink their subject lines and preheaders.
Simplify, Simplify, Simplify with Fjällräven
Fjällräven's overall mission to create beauty and function has made its way into their emails. Here’s how they did it.
Why Copy Matters (Like, A Lot)
When Joanna Wiebe, co-founder of Copy Hackers, realized that she wanted to write, she didn’t think it was a viable career option. But today, she's anything but a hobbyist.
Strategic Timing Tips for Resend Campaigns
We analyzed 1,300 campaigns and their corresponding resend campaigns to see if we could find what factors make resend campaigns successful.
Pass, Block, Tackle: A Case Study in Automation
Email automation plays a crucial role in how Gauge Interactive helps its e-commerce clients drive revenue and delight customers.
Thirteen Pro-Tips for Email Design
We spoke with 3 of the most resourceful email design geeks we know and mined their brains for nuggets of wisdom. Here’s the best of what we found.
The Value of a Resend Campaign, By the Numbers
The phrase “one weird trick” usually sets off alarm bells, but what if I told you there was one weird trick that could increase your open rates by 8.7%?
Social Media Strategy for People Who Sell Stuff
Your goals for social media should be different from your goals for email marketing. Here are a few simple, doable social media posts for small online stores.