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Power Partners: The Gardener

Mailchimp partners bring a universe of super skills to every business.

Our community of trusted Mailchimp partners—marketers that specialize in everything Mailchimp and beyond—bring a universe of super skills and super solves to business problems of any size. In this series, we’re shining a spotlight on partners who tackled an epically demanding ask—and crushed it. 🎉 Like Dan, here.

WHO: Dan Robinson, owner of Vizcom, a U.K.-based digital marketing agency.

SUPER SKILL: Helping small businesses grow by pruning contact lists and sowing the seeds for new leads.

CLIENT SOS: Troo Health Care’s contact list had become overgrown. The British ecommerce and wholesale retailer of supplements and vitamins had amassed an impressive audience (30,000!), but their open and click rates were ho-hum. That’s until they turned to the experts directory to find a partner who could help nurture their Mailchimp account and optimize their list.

WHAT SAVED THE DAY: Phase 1 of Dan’s plan involved pruning the contact list down by two-thirds, cutting the list to 10,000 of their most engaged subscribers. Now, Troo Health Care's list—which is now broken into audience segments and personalized—is made up of only true Troo fans, who are excited to open emails they receive from the retailer. Phase 2 of the plan was to grow the audience. Dan believes the best fertilizer for small business growth is data, so he also created a questionnaire sign-up form that collects relevant info he can use to better segment Troo’s audience. Now, every email generates 100+ sales, and the contact list continues to grow thanks to Vizcom’s SEO and social media efforts.

The results were super…

  • ~1000 new subscribers per month
  • 1.8x increase in website traffic from email
  • Open rates have nearly doubled
  • Click-through rates more than tripled

Not sure what a partner can do for you? Here are 8 ways one of these Mailchimp-trained and vetted pros can upgrade your marketing.

No matter where you are in your business growth story, our partners can help with all things marketing related. They can boost open rates, build websites, tame unorganized contact lists, create eye poppingly gorgeous custom email templates, and so much more.

Hire a super-skilled partner, so you reach your business goals even sooner.

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