Business Tips
A little knowledge can go a long way. Use these smart, simple ways to reach your goals, no matter how big or small.
How Will Meg Handle Her First Snafu
The one where Meg cries.
Launch Day Arrives for Freddie & Co.
It's here it's here it's here!
Getting All the Bells and Whistles Setup
Email marketing for a dummy.
Freddie & Co. Gets a Mission Statement
My mission, should I choose to accept it.
What's in a Name? Everything
Meg gets help from the team to brainstorming a business name.
Everyone Starts Somewhere
Getting started is hard.
The Beginning of Freddie & Co.
First, there was an idea.
Why We Love Having a Content Calendar (And Why You Will Too)
When you’re a growing company, your approach to connecting with users and telling your story online needs to grow, too. We’ve got a suggestion: Embrace the content calendar.
Maintaining Company Culture Through Onboarding
We don’t do trust falls or make friendship bracelets, but we’ve developed a pretty intense scavenger hunt that sends new hires on missions all over the office.