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How to Write an eBook

Writing an eBook can be a great way to bolster any content marketing strategy. Check out this guide to learn how to write an eBook.

Today, eBooks are growing in popularity, and make up a significant portion of total book sales worldwide. If you've wanted to write a book your entire life or if you have a great idea you wish to share with the world, doing so has never been more convenient and accessible than with the use of eBooks and e-commerce today.

Learning how to write, design, publish, and promote an eBook can help you to create any book you envision, regardless of your level of writing and publishing experience. Learning how to make an eBook can also benefit marketers who are interested in building a comprehensive content marketing strategy.

To learn more about how to create an eBook, read all the way through this guide.

What is an eBook?

An eBook, or an electronic book, is a virtual or digital copy of any book, pamphlet, brochure, or guide that can be read on a computer, tablet, or smartphone.

Simply put, an eBook is the converted digital copy of any book or printed piece that has been published. You can access an eBook using your computer or any device that can connect to the internet, such as a smartphone, a tablet, or even a reading-specific device, such as an Amazon Kindle.

Writing an eBook is beneficial when it comes to establishing credibility for your brand while also incorporating the book directly into your company's content marketing strategy. Some of the most notable benefits that come with publishing an eBook include, but are not limited to:

  • Provide value to your audience in an accessible way
  • Publish useful content and information with an inexpensive solution
  • Establish and build credibility for your business and brand in a shorter period of time
  • Maximize your reach and reach new audiences and demographics

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Estimating how much you will make from writing an eBook will depend on the topic, the size of the industry you are targeting, as well as the demand for the information. While the revenue generated from an eBook will vary, it is important to note that in 2020, eBooks generated $1.1 billion in revenue in the United States alone. The eBook industry is a massive one, and it is not showing signs of slowing down any time soon.

It is important to keep in mind that eBooks are typically marketed at a lower price than printed books that can be purchased as hard copies in person. However, eBooks cost far less to produce than physical books and offering an eBook at a substantially lower price can significantly increase its overall sales volume, ultimately resulting in higher profit generation. Incorporating the sale of eBooks as a part of a larger content marketing strategy can add to the profitability of your company and brand's overall marketing efforts.

Once you understand the eBook economy, you may be wondering how to create an eBook yourself. Before you get started with writing and publishing your very own eBook, there are a few steps to consider and keep in mind along the way.

Identify your target audience

Before you begin writing your eBook, you will first need to identify and establish your target audience. Knowing how to identify and segment an audience can be helpful with everything, from choosing which topics to cover in your eBook to selecting the platforms that are ideal for marketing your eBook.

Consider the age range, gender, location, and even specific interests or hobbies of individuals you are interested in reaching while identifying your target audience. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What problem(s) does my eBook intend to address?
  • Who am I going to help with the content of my eBook?
  • How will I promote my eBook to the target audience and demographics I intend to reach?
  • Why will my target audience find my eBook interesting and/or useful?

Asking yourself these questions before you begin writing can also help you to better frame your eBook so it is properly targeted towards the right audience.

Choose a topic

Choose the topic of your eBook and consider its significance as it relates to your own business and brand. How will the topic you are covering help the audience you intend to reach? Has the topic already been covered extensively? Can your business or brand bring a fresh and unique take to the topic you intend to cover?

Do your research

Conduct adequate research on the topic(s) you intend to cover to determine whether or not there is currently a viable market available for your eBook and to choose the right narrative for your book itself. When you are researching topics for a new eBook, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Research specific keywords and phrases that are most relevant to the topic you intend to cover in your eBook. Use keyword research tools to check the trends surrounding the subject you plan to cover in your eBook.
  • Compare existing printed books and eBooks that cover similar subjects and topics as your own eBook to determine if there is a viable market available to reach.
  • Do a deep dive on the topic you intend to cover to know the ins and outs of the community that has a genuine interest in knowing more about the subject you intend to write about in your eBook.
  • Determine if there is an authentic demand for your product, information, or content by conducting keyword and community research. Join groups, message boards, and online forums to learn more about what it is that the community surrounding your eBook's topic is looking for and needs.

Outline chapters

Once you have a basic idea for your eBook, you can begin outlining chapters to help create a guideline for the book itself. Starting a new book (eBook or printed) without a chapter outline can leave you feeling stuck or lost, especially if you are unsure of where to begin. Use a chapter outline to help guide the tone, narrative, and ultimately, the conclusion of the book you intend to publish.

Write each chapter

Begin writing each of your chapters once you have a basic outline in place. Use sources, statistics, and links to help back up each claim you make if you are publishing a non-fiction eBook. Do not worry about the flow or proofreading during this stage. Simply share as much information as possible in each of your designated chapters from your chapter outline.

Edit your eBook

After writing the first draft of your eBook, you will need to take the time to complete the editing process. Editing your eBook can be done on a chapter-by-chapter basis, preventing you from becoming overwhelmed at the prospect of re-reading and editing your entire book. You can also work with an editor locally or even remotely to help streamline and expedite the editing process.

Design your eBook

While the content of your eBook is one of the most important elements to consider while creating an eBook, the design and appearance of your book can also make a significant difference once your book is published and available for sale.

You only have one opportunity to make a positive and lasting first impression, especially when you are attempting to promote and sell an eBook in a popular, competitive, or even in a highly saturated market.The use of various professional creative assets can assist in developing a visually appealing and relevant eBook cover and design that is right for your business and brand. The more visually appealing and relevant a book appears, the more likely it is to receive clicks and, ultimately, sales.

How to publish an eBook

Publishing an eBook requires more than simply saving a Microsoft Word document and zipping it to a potential publisher. Knowing how to publish an eBook can help you to take any content strategy to the next level. Publishing an eBook is much easier today and can be done with a variety of publishing platforms and document formats.

Common eBook formats used today include:

  • PDF
  • ePub files
  • AZW
  • MOBI
  • ODF
  • IBA

Familiarize yourself with popular eBook formats, templates, and layouts so you are comfortable with the design process as you learn how to make an eBook. It is also important to choose an eBook publishing platform that is right for you and the eBook you intend to create. With numerous eBook publishing platforms to choose from, it is best to take the time to research, review, and compare each one before settling on a decision:

  • Amazon: Amazon is the largest self-publishing platform available for writers and publishers with any level of experience.
  • Barnes & Noble Press: Barnes & Noble Press is a great alternative publishing platform that is ideal for those who wish to move away from the use of Amazon.
  • iBooks: iBooks is a publishing platform that is suitable for Apple-exclusive users.
  • Kobo Writing Life: If you are seeking an alternative to the big name publishers and corporations when it comes to sharing your eBook, Kobo Writing Life is a complete online community that can help you to get started. Publishing your eBook with Kobo Writing Life is now possible in as little as 72 hours from start to finish.

If you are looking for a way to publish your eBook to multiple platforms simultaneously, you may also want to consider using an eBook publishing aggregator. Some aggregators that assist with publishing eBooks across numerous networks include:

  • Bookbaby
  • PublishDrive
  • SmashWords
  • Draft2Digital

With the use of a premium aggregator service, it is also possible for those who are interested in publishing to Apple or Android-exclusive devices to do so regardless of their own devices used. A third-party aggregator can help to overcome obstacles faced due to technical restrictions in place set by the eBook and book publishing platform itself.

Once you choose a publishing platform for your eBook and you have uploaded and listed your eBook for sale, you will need to market your book and the information you are providing. To do so, you will need to create a website and establish social media channels for your business and brand (if you have not done so already).

Establishing an online presence is one of the most important elements in succeeding with eBook sales and garnering followers. Not only is an online presence helpful in building credibility, resulting in more eBook sales, but it is also useful for expanding your online reach using an affordable solution.

Final notes

Learning how to create an eBook is a great way to maximize your online reach and streamline the publishing process in any industry today. With the right eBook content marketing strategy, you can significantly expand your reach in your current country as well as internationally.

eBooks are just one part of a content marketing strategy, which may, in turn, be part of your company’s broader marketing efforts. If you are in search of an all-in-one marketing platform that provides audience segmentation, creative assets, email marketing management, and in-depth analytics, Mailchimp is a one-stop shop to help you get started right away.

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