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Mailchimp Presents

Inspiration is key to success. Get inspired with our collection of original content that celebrates the entrepreneurial spirit.

  • Business Inspiration

    Kelly Carlisle

    Working in the Navy fulfilled Kelly Carlisle’s dream of becoming a hero. Upon returning to Oakland, she became a local hero in the fight against food apartheid through her organization Acta Non Verba.

  • Navigate Crisis

    How Do We Show Up?

    In this final episode, Paul checks in with his first four guests to see how their businesses are doing, and how they are showing up for their communities amid yet another global crisis.

  • Navigate Crisis

    Michelle from Blistering Pace Race Management

    Think of all the events in your community, big and small, that have been cancelled. Marathon race director, Michelle La Sala, gives us a view into what it takes to put on a year-in-the-making event, and what it takes to cancel it.

  • Navigate Crisis

    Tina from Tattly and Creative Mornings

    Paul talks to creative force Tina Roth Eisenberg about how the pandemic has forced her to interrogate what matters, and knowing when to let go. Even if that means letting go of your business.

  • Navigate Crisis

    Sarah from 816 New York

    How do you market during a pandemic with integrity? Paul talks to small agency owner, Sarah Williams, on how some big companies miss the mark communicating during a crisis, and how small businesses are critical to the community.

  • Navigate Crisis

    Peter from SPUD

    Paul talks to CEO Peter Van Stolk of Canadian online grocer, SPUD, about how they’re faring and how years of fine tuning their online grocery platform poised them for this moment.

  • Navigate Crisis

    Martin from Cosmic Kids Yoga

    Paul talks to Martin, co-founder of Cosmic Kids Yoga, about the incredible spike in viewers during the pandemic and how it all points back to one thing: being of service.

  • Navigate Crisis

    Archel from Bombchel

    Paul talks to Archel, whose ethical fashion company, Bombchel, was on the verge of shutting down. Archel discusses running a business in Liberia, and what it’s like to be stranded stateside while her staff make masks in Liberia.

  • Navigate Crisis

    Dan from Kin Ship Goods

    Paul talks to Dan and Hillary about their business, Kin Ship Goods, and what it’s like to grapple with the things that matter most in the face of the pandemic, while keeping the lights on and supporting their community.