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How To Conduct A Content Gap Analysis

Conducting a content gap analysis is easier than it sounds. Learn the importance of this practice and how it can improve your business strategy.

Content marketing is a crucial part of any business's content marketing strategy. Content marketing is how you can develop relationships with your customers, establish trust, and build brand loyalty.

From social media posts to podcasts, there are many types of content marketing that you can use. But sometimes, coming up with content can be difficult. How do you know the right words to reach your target audience?

Every marketing team is familiar with this type of writer's block. You've already created so much content, and now you're lacking content ideas. But if you find yourself in this scenario, all you have to do is conduct an SEO content gap analysis.

A content gap analysis will give you insight into improving your content strategy to drive valuable traffic and accomplish your goals. This article will discuss the different types of content gaps, why content is so crucial for SEO, and more.

If you want to keep your audience engaged and interested in your brand, you need to create exciting and relevant content. Continue reading to learn how to fight that writer's block so you can make the best content for your brand.

What is a content gap?

All businesses have dealt with content gaps at one point or another. Content gaps refer to topics your customers are interested in but are not yet on your website.

For example, if you run a flower business, your customers may be interested in learning how to care for plants. But if you have not added anything about that topic to your website, your customers will likely click off the page and choose a competitor instead.

Content gaps are common, but they can be detrimental to your business. Loyal customers want to feel like you're taking their interests into account, and if you don't create relevant content for them, you will lose their business. It's crucial to create content that contains relevant information for your target audience to keep them engaged.

But if you're unsure how to create this relevant content, you can conduct an SEO content gap analysis. A content gap analysis will help you uncover relevant topics and target keywords your customers are interested in so that you can always create the right content for your target audience.

Types of content gaps

There are a few different types of content gaps that businesses can deal with. Some companies struggle with related keywords, while others lack topic ideas. Understanding what type of content gap you're dealing with is key to determining the content you need to create. Here are some of the most common types of content gaps:


For your content to rank high on search engine results pages, you need to use the right keywords. If you've reached a lull with your target keywords, you should incorporate long-tail keywords into your content. Long tail keywords are typically less competitive than their counterpart, which means they rank higher on search engines and drive traffic to your website content.


It's crucial to have relevant topics on your website so your customers can easily find informational content they're interested in. However, if your site doesn't cover all these topics or if the topics aren't relevant, you have a topic gap. Topic gaps are an excellent opportunity to add new, exciting content that piques your reader's interest.


If you have video content on your website, you will likely find a media gap at some point. Media gaps occur when you need new video content on your site. Coming up with videos can be difficult, but it's a great way to engage with your customers and keep them interested. Consider adding informational videos to your website to boost sales.

Why is content important for SEO?

Content is important for SEO for many reasons. To consistently rank high on search engines, drive traffic to your web pages, and generate sales, you must create quality content for your business.

Writing SEO-optimized content can benefit your business in countless ways. But there are a few things you need to keep in mind when creating content for SEO.

Your content should be informative, credible, engaging, and high-quality, and it should be distinctive from your competitors and help you stand out from the crowd. When you create content that does all this, you will rank high in search engines, increasing your brand visibility and encouraging people to make purchases.

You can create new content that is SEO optimized, or you can optimize existing content by adding new keywords, writing meta descriptions, and linking to your own content. Whether you want to start a blog or write articles, your goal should be to create quality content that ranks on the first page of search engine results pages, or SERPs.

How to conduct a content gap analysis

If you find yourself with a content gap, don't panic. You just have to conduct a content gap analysis to figure out ways to create new content for your brand. Here is how to conduct a content gap analysis in 5 steps:

Figure out your buyer's journey

Your buyer's journey is the journey your customers go through to make a purchase.

The customer journey consists of 5 stages: awareness, consideration, decision, service, and retention. You need to stay on top of your customers throughout this journey to ensure your content encourages them to make a purchase.

It's essential to map the customer journey to know what your customers see. This way, you can determine opportunities along the way where you can include new content for them.

Conduct market research

Market research means gathering information about your target market and customers. With market research, you can determine your target audience's wants, needs, goals, interests, etc. You can then use this information to make changes to your content to better appeal to their wants and needs. You can conduct market research by sending out surveys to your target audience.

Analyze your own content

The next step in conducting a content gap analysis is to analyze your own content. Analyzing your current content is key to understanding what is and isn't working for your business. This can help you identify opportunities to improve your content to maximize traffic and build a strong sales funnel.

Analyze competitor content

Once you have a better idea of your own content, you then need to look at your competitor's websites, which you can do with a competitor analysis. A competitor analysis will give you insight into your competitor's content so you can see what they are doing right and what you have that they don't.

Create new content

After you've completed the above steps, then comes the hard part: Actually creating new content. But creating content will seem less intimidating once you have a better idea of your buyer's journey, customer's interests, and competitor's content. The goal of conducting a content gap analysis is to get your juices flowing so you can come up with original and exciting content to help your business succeed.

SEO tools

There are various SEO tools that you can use to perform a successful content gap analysis, such as:

  • SEMrush: With this SEO tool, you can conduct a SEMrush organic competitors report, which you can use to analyze competition and discover growth points.
  • Ahrefs: Ahrefs is an excellent SEO tool to grow your search traffic. With Ahrefs, you can audit and optimize your website, find keywords, analyze your competitors, and more.
  • is great for keyword research so you can find the best terms for your content. You can use this tool to find long-tail and related keywords to help your content rank high on Google search pages.

Fill in your content gaps

Creating quality content is crucial for all businesses. But content creation isn't always simple. You have to create relevant, engaging, and informational content that piques your reader's interests and keeps them engaged. So it's not unlikely to find yourself with a lack of content ideas from time to time. But if you ever find yourself in that situation, all you have to do is conduct a content gap analysis. And if you need a platform to help you do this, you can use Mailchimp.

Mailchimp is an all-in-one marketing platform that helps businesses of all sizes and industries create better content. With Mailchimp, you can learn blogging basics and optimize your blog posts to consistently rank high on SERPs.

Whether you're interested in learning how search engines work or how to conduct a competitor analysis, Mailchimp can help with it all. Mailchimp will give you access to valuable tools and resources that you can use to create content that drives traffic and generates revenue.

Check out Mailchimp today and let us help you overcome your writer's block so you can make the best possible content for your business.

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