Topic Explainers
Build your knowledge with in-depth looks into the topics and trends that matter most to small businesses.
Online Shopping Cart: What It Is & How It Works | Mailchimp
E-commerce shopping carts promote sales and give insight into your customers. Learn what to look for in yours.
How Search Engines Work and Affect Your Website | Mailchimp
Learn how to create a better SEO strategy by gaining knowledge about search engines, websites, crawling, indexing, and more.
Public Relations for Small Businesses
Public relations can help bring attention to and generate interest in your business. In this guide, we'll explain what PR is, what it isn't, and why your small business needs it.
Branding Your Online Business
Branding sets your business apart from competitors. Learn what it is, what goes into it, and how to do it.
Marketing Lingo Crash Course
Follow this guide to learn all about key marketing terms, approaches and which experts to hire to bring your marketing strategy to life
Confused by marketing acronyms? You’re not alone
Sometimes, looking at a marketing document is a bit like looking into a bowl of Alphabet soup. We’ve decoded some of the most common marketing acronyms, so you’re no longer guessing what terms like CTA, CRM and WOM mean.
Marketing Talk 101
Never feel mystified in a marketing meeting again. We'll decode some commonly used terms, such as brief, funnel, and scope.
Competitor Analysis: What It Is and How to Conduct One
Competitor analysis can set your business up for success. Learn why it's important and how to conduct research in 6 steps.
How to Market Your Business — A Small Business Growth Guide
Whether you’re a brand-new entrepreneur or a seasoned pro who wants to increase sales, learning how to market your small business effectively is vital to your success.