Does Mailchimp offer CLV insights?
In fact, we do. For eligible accounts with a connected store, Mailchimp can provide marketers with actionable predictions about future purchase behavior, using predictive modeling and past purchase data from your store. Built specifically for marketers, these insights can be used to quickly target messages to segments based on how likely customers are to buy from you again, and how much value they’re likely to bring to your business over time.
Even better? You don’t need to hire a data scientist or do any math on your end. Mailchimp automatically provides a breakdown of customers in your audience based on 2 types of predictive insights:
Customer lifetime value: See an overview of your customers, broken down by how much value they’re likely to bring to your store over time. We factor in spend amount, purchase frequency, length of time someone has been a customer, and more. And we use this information to categorize contacts into segments based on estimates about highest (and lowest) amount of value over time. For accounts with enough purchase data to calculate CLV, this information is accessible right in your audience dashboard, with segments you can instantly target campaigns to—so you can thank your most high-value customers in just a few clicks.
Learn more about customer lifetime value insights in Mailchimp.
Purchase likelihood: Mailchimp accounts with access to customer lifetime value will also see a breakdown of existing customers based on how likely they are to purchase from your store again. Using factors like how long someone’s been a customer, how frequently they purchase, and more, we show you segments of your contacts based on how likely they are to come back to buy. You can use these clickable segments in your audience dashboard to market to these customers however you need to. One example: reaching customers who may only be ‘moderately’ likely to come back and enticing them with a special offer.
Learn more about purchase likelihood insights in Mailchimp.
Both purchase likelihood and customer lifetime value can be used as segmentation criteria in Mailchimp, so you can filter contacts based on these insights and others. And when you do that, it becomes easy to create custom segments—and find exactly who you want to market to.