Examples of brand awareness survey questions
Your brand awareness survey is meant to give you quantitative data about how your customers view your brand or whether they remember it. They measure brand awareness to help you understand your marketing campaign's effectiveness.
There are several metrics you'll need to measure, with categories of questions for each. The types of brand awareness questions to ask include:
- Recognition: Recognition means your customer can recognize your brand when compared to competitors. Recognition is just one of the 4 elements of brand awareness; after customers know your brand exists, you want them to be able to recognize it online or in person, depending on your marketing strategies.
- Identity: Your brand identity consists of your brand's personality and tone. It should also include a story allowing you to connect with consumers, including why your brand was created and what it stands for. Identity affects how your brand is perceived, so it's essential for brand awareness and your reputation.
- Image: Your brand image is just part of your brand identity. You want your customers to view your brand in a certain light, so your brand image and identity must complement one another. However, if you have a poor brand image, your business will be more difficult to market because of its reputation.
- Recall: Brand recall refers to your customer's ability to remember your brand when they need its products or services. For example, someone who needs lip balm might automatically think of the brand ChapStick.
- Loyalty: How loyal are your customers? Luckily, you can measure it in a few ways, including looking at their recent purchases and how often they return to your site. You should also ask questions about loyalty in your brand survey to determine whether they spread word of mouth about your business.
Brand survey questions
Now that you understand the types of brand survey questions to ask, you might need some examples to get you started.
If this is your first time measuring brand awareness with a survey, you can start simple and ask only a few multiple-choice questions. Answers may include everything from yes or no to lists and short answers, depending on how you'd like the question answered.
Here are a few ideas for brand survey questions to get you started:
Q: How familiar are you with our products?
Not familiar
Q: Does our brand have a strong personality?
Q: Which of the following describes our brand?
Q: Do you feel we are trustworthy?
Q: Do you prefer us over the competition?
Q: How likely are you to recommend our brand to friends and family?
Short answer
Q: Do you use our products? Why or why not?
Short answer
Q: Is there anything else you'd like to share with us?
Short answer
Of course, this is your brand awareness survey, so you should feel free to ask your customers anything that can help you improve your business and how it's perceived.