Business Tips
A little knowledge can go a long way. Use these smart, simple ways to reach your goals, no matter how big or small.
15 Ways to Win at Writing Email
There is nowhere on the internet more intimate than our inboxes. In talking with Copy Hackers co-founder Joanna Wiebe, this truth revealed itself again and again.
E-commerce Life on Mobile for Freddie and Co.
Running a business from your phone.
On Choosing Clients and Making E-Commerce Beautiful
Developer Natasha Murphy and designer Lexi Stout share their thoughts on e-commerce, email marketing, and Atlanta's creative community.
Freddie and Co. Launches a Facebook Ad
Let's take a look at how to build an attention-grabbing ad!
Tis the Season for Holiday Campaigns
Our team of marketing experts discuss the development and promotion of Mailchimp's annual holiday tips campaign.
Thirteen Pro-Tips for Email Design
We spoke with 3 of the most resourceful email design geeks we know and mined their brains for nuggets of wisdom. Here’s the best of what we found.
Introducing Our Holiday Collections
New BAGGU and Poketo items for Freddie and Co.
Freddie and Co. Gets a Holiday Makeover
Giving the store a festive new look!
Meg vs. the Book Blunder
The great Blueprint shipping crisis of 2016.