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Campaign URLs, an Updated Content Manager, and New Featured Templates

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Over the past few months, we’ve introduced a number of powerful features for e-commerce businesses. In January, we unveiled Facebook Ad Campaigns in Mailchimp, a smart new way to grow your audience and sell more stuff, in the same place you already do all of your email marketing. Then, a few weeks ago, we released order notifications, a series of customizable, transactional notification emails that can be combined with product recommendations to showcase relevant items and encourage repeat business from your customers. This week, we’re excited to introduce another round of features, updates and improvements that will help you grow your business. Let’s jump right in.

Campaign URL customization

Every time you send a Mailchimp email campaign, we also create a browser-friendly version (aka campaign page) that can easily be shared across the web. It’s a great way to increase awareness of your business to potential customers and other folks who haven’t subscribed to your mailing list just yet. And in our latest release, we’ve it made it easier to set up campaign pages that sell for you beyond the inbox.

All users will now be able to customize their campaign URLs, and folks with paid accounts will even be able to include their verified domain in the URLs, too. This will help drive traffic to your page by making your links more recognizable; your audience will know exactly what to expect when they click. Here’s a quick rundown of the new campaign URLs:

  • The next time you send a campaign, you’ll notice that your campaign URL looks like this:
  • For free accounts, the identifier will be a string of letters and numbers that’s automatically generated when the campaign is sent. Paid users, however, will be able to use their verified domain in this spot.
  • We’ll pull in your email subject line automatically, but all users will have the ability to customize that element of the URL.

An intuitive content manager

Mailchimp’s content manager has long been the home for the various files and images you’ve uploaded and used in your email campaigns, and now it’s easier to navigate, giving you quicker access to more of the stuff you need for your marketing.

The My Files section will include all of your uploaded files, along with any product images you might’ve edited along the way. (More on that in a moment.) Each time you make changes to a file, a new version will be created and viewable in the Detail View; you can quickly see the parent version of the file along with all of the subsequent edits you’ve made.

The brand new Products section of the content manager automatically pulls in product images directly from yourShopify, BigCommerce, WooCommerce, Magento, or API v3.0 connected store so you can quickly access—or modify—them when you’re creating your email, ad campaigns, or order notifications. When you edit a product image in the content manager, we’ll save the new version to the My Files section; no changes will be made to your original image file from your store.

We’ve also added a new Giphy section to the content manager, so you can search for the perfect gif for any occasion directly through Mailchimp. Wow!

Intent-based templates

No matter the type of business you operate or what products you sell, selecting the right template is an important part of creating a new email campaign. In this release, we’ve given our template selection screen a makeover, so it’s easier to choose the best digital marketing template for any situation. Our new intent-based featured templates will help guide you through the content creation process, offering helpful advice and content suggestions along the way.

That’s all for today, but we’re already hard at work on our next updates. As always, we’ll be listening closely to your feedback.

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