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How to Design a Product Page that Sells

Learn how to create an effective product page that grabs customers’ attention and encourages them to buy.

Illustration of a product page with animals on it

Learn how to create an effective product page that grabs customers’ attention and encourages them to buy.

No matter what you sell, an effective product page can be the difference between making a sale or losing the customer to one of your competitors. Product pages are often where people make their final purchase decision when shopping online, so it’s crucial that your page captures their attention and contains all the information they might need before they buy.

With these tips—and Mailchimp’s free landing page builder—you’ll be able to quickly create pages that help you sell.

What is a product page?

Selling a product online requires more than simply starting an online store and uploading images of your product. Creating a product page for the item you intend to sell is a way to drive home sales while also providing an entire space to incentivize users to make a purchase by showcasing product highlights and features. The product page you use to promote your product is one of the most important aspects of learning how to market your business online today.

A product page includes everything a prospective customer needs to know regarding the product they are interested in. From a clear and direct CTA (call-to-action) to high-quality photos, pricing information, and sales-focused copy, your product page should encompass everything your product represents.

Why is product page design important?

One of the most important tips to grow your business online is to create individual product pages for each of the items you intend to sell, whether you are hosting your own eCommerce store or using a third-party solution such as Shopify. Some reasons product page design matters include:

  • Improve user experience: Finding a product that is high-quality and that resonates with a customer can go a long way in the sales funnel. Using individual product pages can help to improve the overall user experience of your prospective customers.
  • Find information fast: A well-designed and optimized product page is a useful tool that can help visitors find information fast regarding the product(s) they are interested in.
  • Streamline your sales funnel: Using product pages can also help to streamline your sales funnel, allowing you to easily direct your visitors through the process of learning more about a product, adding an item to their cart, and checking out without hassle.

What is the best product page design?

55% of people spend less than 15 seconds on any given website, so once someone arrives on your product page, you’ve only got a short amount of time to spark their interest. To do so quickly, be sure to display the most important information—like the description, product images, price, and an “add to cart” button—prominently near the top of the page.

And since most people will instinctively read the page from left to right, you’ll want to lay out the most valuable content on your page accordingly. In some instances—like if you’re selling a t-shirt, for example—you might choose to lead with product images on the left side of the page. If, however, the functionality of your product is a bigger selling point for your customers, you might instead want to lead with the description or product specs on the left side.

If you have more to say about your product than you can fit on the top half of the page, don’t worry. As folks scroll down the page, you can share additional information, including testimonials, videos, a detailed list of features, or anything else you’d like.

15 tips on how to design a product page

Now that you know what a product page is and how it should be structured, let’s get into the exciting part. Below, you’ll find 15 tips on how to design a product page that attracts users and converts them into leads and customers.

1. Write a compelling product description

One of the most important elements of any product page is a well-written product description that clearly states what you’re selling and why a shopper’s just gotta have it. As with all of your marketing, the copy on your product page should be on-brand and relevant to your audience, but there are a few other things to keep in mind as you write a description of your product.

2. Be direct

Research has shown that 79% of people tend to scan a webpage instead of fully reading it, so the first description that customers see on your product page should be clear and to the point. Don’t be too salesy or use a bunch of clichés; just provide straightforward information that will help shoppers make their purchasing decision. Remember: you can always include additional details or a longer description later on the page.

3. Answer questions that shoppers might have about your product

Before making a purchase, shoppers will want to be sure they know exactly what it is they’re buying. While you probably won’t be able to anticipate every possible question that could arise, you will want to make sure that customers have enough information to buy with confidence.

If you’re selling a piece of clothing, for example, tell shoppers what type of fabric it is and how they can expect the item to fit. Or, if you’re selling a piece of furniture, share the dimensions of the item, the materials used, and if it requires assembly once they receive it.

4. Bring your product to life with images

Customers aren’t able to physically interact with products while they’re shopping online, which means they rely on your pictures to help convince them to buy. In fact, 92% of consumers say that visuals are the top influential factor affecting a purchase decision, so make sure that the imagery on your page conveys texture, size, scent, or any other aspects of your product that might be of interest to your customers.

5. Multiple images are better than just one

In their 2018 consumer research report, Salsify found that 73% of people want to see 3 or more images when considering a purchase. Fortunately, most smartphones come equipped with great cameras (and built-in editing tools, too), so even if you’re not a photography pro, it’s easy to take as many beautiful, high-quality pictures as you need.

6. Show different angles

Help your customers visualize what the item looks like in person by using images from different perspectives or proximities. If you’re selling a piece of clothing, for example, customers will want to see what it looks like from different angles while being worn.

As you plan your photos, be sure to include at least one “in scale” image, too; 42% of people will try to determine the size and scale from the images on a product page.

7. Use lifestyle images

Lifestyle images are a great way to tell the story of your product—and to help your customers imagine how they might use it in their everyday lives.

Incorporate locations, props, and people that will give your audience more context about the thing you’re selling. For instance, if you sell swimwear, consider visiting the nearest pool (or beach) to take some photos. Or, if you’re a coffee roaster, you could round up a few friends and photograph them enjoying a cup of your newest blend—with the bag of beans prominently featured, of course.

Need a few more tips about lifestyle photography? Check out these helpful resources from Shopify, Jungle Scout, and Threadless.

8. Give shoppers a clear call to action

Your product page might have beautiful images and a great description, but if your call to action (CTA) isn’t compelling or easy to find, you probably won’t get the results you’re looking for. A good product page CTA button should:

  • Make it easy for customers to add an item to their cart in just one click
  • Be prominently positioned on the page
  • Stand out from your other content
  • Use simple, action-oriented language

9. Share more information below the fold

Once you’ve addressed the sections of the product page that people will see as soon as they arrive, you can turn your attention to all the other stuff that might be of interest to your customers as they scroll down the page.

10. Provide additional product details

If you’ve got more to say about your product than you were able to include earlier on the page, this is a great place to do it. Write a thorough product description to tell shoppers everything they might need to know, include a video that showcases your product, or create a bulleted list (with the items listed in order of importance) to give folks all the extra information they need for their purchasing decision.

11. Highlight customer testimonials

Take advantage of the positive feedback you’ve already received by incorporating customer reviews and testimonials onto your product page. Shoppers care about the opinions of other shoppers, and a glowing review of your product might be just the thing a potential customer needs to help them make the final decision to buy.

12. Add related products

Whenever you design an individual product page for an item you are selling, consider using product blocks to promote related products that are relevant to the item shown on-screen. Adding related products below or near an item a user is viewing is a way to encourage visitors to view more products that are available, and that may be relevant to their needs.

You can also include a Related Products section to promote bundling of items, depending on the type of products you manufacture and/or sell. For example, if you are selling skis and accessories, you may list ski gear and protective eyewear in the Related Products section below a brand new pair of skis that you have for sale and in stock.

Using a related product section on your individual product pages is also a way to increase the traffic your website receives throughout, ultimately resulting in a boost in SEO, or search engine optimization. The use of relevant organic internal links throughout a product page can help search engines significantly to find and index your domain properly.

13. Use a live chat

Offering a live chat feature for your online visitors is also extremely beneficial, as it can help lend credibility to your business and brand, especially for those who are just discovering your website for the first time. Having an easily accessible live chat feature can provide direct and immediate customer service for those who are interested in a product or would like to know more.

It is also possible to use live chat widgets and features to provide automated responses to questions your live chatbot receives. This can help direct users if they are interested in more information regarding a specific product or even the shipping and return policies your eCommerce store has in place. Allowing customers to ask questions directly to your live chatbot is also a way to mimic the in-store experience you would like to provide for all of your visitors.

Some of the benefits of using a live chat on your product page include:

  • Save time: Save time and manual labor by using a chatbot that can instantly provide links and responses to questions asked by visitors and prospective customers.
  • Data: Collect and store data and analytics to determine what it is that your visitors want most from your business, brand, and online store.
  • Customer service: Provide top-notch customer service without making your customers wait for a response with the use of a live chatbot.

14. List product availability

When designing a singular product page, it is possible to provide information regarding the product's availability, which can be displayed directly to shoppers who are browsing your site. Listing a product's availability can provide shoppers with a sense of reassurance that the item that they are interested in is readily available. By providing stock counts or reassurance that a product is, in fact, available, you are much less likely to hear from discouraged and disappointed customers.

You can also use product availability widgets and features to create a sense of urgency among your online shoppers, especially for an item that is popular, trending, or selling out fast. Using product availability widgets to demonstrate low stock can incentivize customers to make their purchase as quickly as possible, for fear of your store running out of stock fast. Oftentimes, displaying low stock is implemented as an effective marketing tool to drive web traffic and sales while a store restocks or sources new inventory for future seasons.

15. Provide price comparisons

One of the best product page design elements involves using price comparisons on your product pages. Product pages should always include additional products that are in or around the same price range as the item(s) a user is browsing at the time. This can help to incentivize a user to learn more about your business or the products you currently have in stock, even if they were not originally seeking additional items.

Including price comparisons for the products you are selling with other items you have in your inventory can also provide additional insight for customers who are new to your products and brand. You can also use price comparison widgets to showcase price comparisons between third-party providers or suppliers, which will work in your favor if you are committed to offering the lowest prices on the items you are selling, regardless of your competition.

Design Your Product Page with Mailchimp

No matter what type of product you have, Mailchimp’s free landing page builder makes it easy to create a product page that helps you sell it. Our pre-designed template options come equipped with all of the content blocks and design elements you’ll need to get started.

We even offer a custom domains add-on so you can use your existing domain name and a unique subdomain—like the name of the item you’re selling, perhaps—to customize your product page URL and make it look like a natural extension of your brand. There's also some additional landing page design tips to check out before you get started.

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