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Introducing Order Notifications

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If you sell stuff online, you know how important it is to provide your customers with a delightful, stress-free shopping experience, from the moment they start filling up their cart all the way through to checkout. Today, we’re excited to introduce Order Notifications, a new automation that will help you improve the shopping experience for your customers, increase awareness in your brand, and generate more revenue for your bottom line.

Order Notifications give e-commerce businesses the power to design and send personalized transactional emails—like shipping confirmations, order invoices, and more—without leaving Mailchimp. And, since your notification emails can now be created in the same place as your email campaigns and Facebook ads, it’s easier than ever to keep your marketing consistent across channels. You can even use a product recommendations block to showcase additional items from your store, then track revenue and engagement with Mailchimp’s powerful reporting tools.

Let’s take a closer look at how Order Notifications can help your business.

Notifications that fit your brand

No matter what type of stuff you sell, Order Notifications will help you design beautiful notification messages that match the look and feel of the other email and ad campaigns you create within Mailchimp. You can customize your notifications with your brand’s logo and color palette, and even add a personal message to thank customers for their purchase or provide them with follow-up instructions. Plus, each notification automatically displays all of the important details about a customer’s purchase, like the amount they spent, when an order shipped, or the date a refund was processed.

  • Order Confirmation:  Sends customers a receipt after they buy something from your store, complete with details about their order
  • Order Invoice:  Similar to an order confirmation, an order invoice sends to a customer once their transaction has been successfully processed. If you don’t charge customers when they place an order, consider sending an order invoice instead.
  • Shipping Confirmation:  Don’t keep your customers guessing about when to expect their order. This notification will let them know their item on the way as soon as it ships.
  • Refund Confirmation:  You might occasionally receive refund requests if a customer doesn’t like a product or there was an issue with their order. (It happens!) Since refunds take time to process, you can set up a notification that sends to customers once their refund has finished processing.
  • Cancellation Confirmation:  Enable a cancellation confirmation notification to help your customers confirm when an order has been successfully cancelled. This notification is triggered to send when a customer cancels an order they made from your store.

Recommend products, sell more stuff

Our powerful product recommendations are a great way to increase sales and build customer loyalty, so we’ve included them in a few of your notifications, too. When you create an order confirmation, order invoice, or shipping confirmation, you can use a product recommendations block to suggest other relevant items to your customers, right after they’ve completed their purchase.

Quickly track revenue and engagement

Mailchimp’s in-depth reporting tools will help you keep track of email engagement and total revenue generated for each notification you send, just as you’d expect from any other automation email. In just a few clicks, you can compare your engagement rates to find out which notifications are resonating with your customers, determine which notification might benefit most from product recommendations, and monitor percentage changes for your engagement stats on the Automations page to see if you can spot any trends in customer behavior.

Order Notifications are included with all plans, so as long as you’ve connected your store to the latest, most up-to-date version of your shopping cart integration, you won’t need a special add-on to use them in your Mailchimp account. Keep in mind that certain shopping carts, like Shopify and BigCommerce, manage notifications a bit differently and will not allow users to turn off their platform’s built-in version of the order confirmation email. But, since you can choose which of Mailchimp’s Order Notifications you’d like to enable (or disable), you’ll always be able to fine-tune the experience for your customers and prevent redundancy.


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