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Create the Best Email Layout and Designs

A good email layout is critical to connecting with customers. Learn how to create the best email design and layout with Mailchimp.

If you want to put your business in a position to be successful, then you have to diversify your marketing campaigns. There are plenty of ways you can do this, and one option is to create engaging emails.

If you can create personalized emails that have been customized to meet the needs of your target market, you might be able to increase your conversion rate.

There are plenty of ways you can use emails to help you increase your conversion rate. For example, you might want to craft emails that target each stage of the customer journey. Or, you might want to include images and videos in the email body. Good emails have an email layout that has been thoroughly tested and found to meet the needs of the target market.

If you want to create the best email designs, what are a few of the most important points that you should keep in mind? Take a look at a few key points below to help you craft the best email layout.

Why email layout and design are important

There are a few reasons why you need to care about your email designs besides just improving conversion rates. Good emails have a strong layout for several reasons, including:

Brand identity

You need to ensure that your emails are a good fit with your brand identity. If you do not have a strong brand identity, a customer or potential new subscriber will have a hard time relating to your company.

Think carefully about your email layout as in the end, they can take many forms, and make sure it is a good fit with your brand identity.

Audience engagement

You also need to use strong emails that can help you improve your audience engagement. You need your target market to engage with your emails if you want to increase your conversion rate. If you increase your audience engagement, you can boost your conversion rate.

It will be much harder to get new customers if they don't engage with your email message or link.

Also, don't be afraid to ask for feedback! Readers appreciate when companies or businesses take their feedback to heart and make changes to their email's style or writing. A lot of time, it's the little details that mean the most.

While some small businesses might not have the resources for a lot of audience engagement, any effort a business makes to create a user-friendly email layout can go a long way.

Deliver lasting impressions

You want your audience to remember you once they are done reading the email. A strong email design and layout will make a good impression on your target market. That way, they will think of your brand in the future, and they will come back for future purchases.

Develop a personal connection

You need to develop a strong personal connection with your audience. By using carefully created emails, your audience should have an easier time relating to your business. This could help you boost your conversion rate and position your company to be successful.

Stand out from the crowd

Think about all of the emails you get on a single day. Which ones do you remember the most? Why do you remember those emails?

If you want your company to be memorable, you need to use a strong email design to help you. A solid email layout with a brief but punchy email body can make it easier for your brand to stand out.

Different types of marketing emails

There are lots of different types of marketing emails you might use. A few of the most common examples include:

  • Welcome emails: This is an email that you will send to your target market, welcoming them to the brand or company.
  • Newsletters: This is a periodic email that you might send to update your customers and clients on everything going on with the company. You might use it to announce new products and services.
  • Promotional emails: If you have a deal or sale going on, you need to use this email to grab the attention of your customers and convince them to take advantage of the deal.
  • Holiday or seasonal emails: You might send holiday or seasonal emails to your customers to let them know about special services or products you might be releasing.
  • Informational emails: Informational emails can be used to send general emails to your customers, informing them or updating them about things that might be happening with the company.
  • Transactional emails: These might be automatically generated emails that you can send to your customers to let them know that their purchase has gone through or that their package is on the way.
  • Re-engagement emails: If it has been a long time since you've heard from a customer, you might send them a re-engagement email. This is a personalized email that could remind them to take advantage of the products and services provided by the company.
  • Lead nurturing emails: If you are moving your customers down the sales funnel, you might use a lead nurturing email that has been customized to their specific location in the sales funnel.

You might use some or all of these emails as a part of your marketing campaign. You need to make sure that you customize the layout of your emails to match their goals. The layout you use for a transactional email is probably not going to be the same for a re-engagement email.

Key elements of email layouts and designs

An email is more than just the text in the body of it. There are several features that you need to include and customize in your email layout and design if you want your messages to be effective.

They include:

Email snippet

The snippet is what will show up on the phone or computer when the customer is notified that they have an email.

You need the snippet to be strong enough to get them to open the email and read the message. You might even want to create and A/B test different snippets to see which ones are most effective for your business.


The header usually shows up in bold when the notification goes through. This is another critical element that you need to create and use to grab the attention of your customers. If you want them to interact with the email, the header needs to hook them.

Subject line

The subject line is where you can be creative. This will also show up on the push notification when you send an email, so it is another opportunity for a small business to grab the attention of more customers.

Do you want to use an emoji in the subject line? Do you want to use all caps? How long do you want the subject line to be? The answers to these questions depend on the type of email you send.

Logos and images

Remember that a picture is worth a thousand words. Therefore, you might want to use images and logos in the email as well.

If there is a lot of information that a business needs to communicate to its target market, then you might want to consolidate it into a picture. It could make it easier for your customers to interpret the information you want to share.

Don't forget that you also need to use logos to make it easier for your customers to tie the email to your company.


The body is the meat of the email. You need to think carefully about email copywriting. There are some cases where you might want to include a lot of information in the body of the email.

Then, there are other cases where you might want to limit the amount of information you include to just new features or upcoming events to make them stand out.

Remember that if the email copy is too long, your customers might decide that they don't want to read it. You do not want to intimidate your customers, so think about how you want to communicate the information.

You might even want to use bullet points to make the email more readable. Play around with a few options when you start creating your emails, and find the best email designs for your needs.

You can also customize how you lay out the email copy. Maybe you do it all in a single column, or you can split it up into multiple columns.

Call to action

At the end of the email, you need to include a call to action. This is where you tell the customer what you want them to do next. There are some people who are afraid of being pushy, but most people are people pleasers. They want to make you happy.

What do you want your customer to do? Do you want them to sign up for a list? Do you want them to become new subscribers? Do you want them to go to your website to buy something to make their life easier, or maybe test drive a new car?

Make sure that you include a call to action in your email to lead your customer to where you want them to go, from landing pages to product pages.


There might also be a footer associated with your email layout. The footer is where you might include your signature, contact information, or business name.

For a small business, this is another way to connect with new subscribers or customers on a more personal level.

This might be standardized across your emails, but you should play around with this to see what information you might want to include. There are plenty of options, but make sure the information is helpful.

This is a brief overview of the different parts that you might want to include in your email layout. The right layout for one email might not be the right layout for another. Consider working with a professional who can help you find the right layout for your needs.

Choosing the best email layout and design for your business

If you want your business to be successful, you need to choose the best possible email layout and design. There are plenty of choices available, so you might want to use Mailchimp to help you find the right one.

For example, a small business might want to use a subject line helper that can help you find the right subject line for the topic. Or, you might want to use A/B testing for email marketing campaigns, which can make it easier for you to find what is working well for your business. Keep in mind that this is not something that you need to go through on your own.

There are also plenty of things to consider when you create your email's layout, too. For example, how will your email show up on mobile devices? Will it look right on mobile screens?

You can reach out to an expert who can help you get the most out of your email marketing campaign. Or find professional email templates from Mailchimp to help you reach your target audience.

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