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Introducing Google Remarketing Ads in Mailchimp

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In a perfect world, the path your customers follow to purchase something from your store would be simple: They hear about your brand, head to your website, find what they’re looking for, and place an order.

But life happens. A phone call, an email, or an adorable puppy GIF takes them away from your site, making their journey to checkout anything but linear.

It’s no wonder that 97% of people who visit an online store for the first time leave without buying anything.

That’s why we’re excited to introduce Google remarketing ads (also known as retargeting ads), a new channel in Mailchimp that helps you turn website visitors into customers.

Retargeting ads make it easy to create a clear path back to your site. In just 2 clicks, you can set up a campaign that reminds people of the products they left behind right when they’re ready to buy. Plus, there are no extra fees from us.

“Retargeting takes advantage of all the work you’ve done to bring customers to your site the first time,” says Tom Klein, Mailchimp’s Chief Marketing Officer. “That’s why retargeting ads usually cost the least and earn the highest ROI. If you’re not retargeting, you probably should be.”

Advertise across the web in just 2 clicks

When you connect your store to Mailchimp, we’ll integrate with your site and automatically build ads that feature your bestselling products. Just add an eye-catching headline, tweak your content, and your ad is done! And if you want more control over the design, you can also choose which products you want to include.

Google remarketing ads were very intuitive,” says Vashti Patrick, founder of VeePeeJay Media, who participated in our beta test. “They’re super easy to use and set up in Mailchimp.”

Through the Google Display Network, your published ad will be adjusted to fit thousands of spaces that make the most sense for your business. If you sell workout equipment, for example, your customers will be reminded of your brand while checking out the fitness blogs and apps they regularly visit.

Don’t have a store? You can connect your website to Mailchimp to create retargeting ads that promote your products, services, or content.

As your ads get more clicks, they’ll be optimized to display on all the different websites and mobile apps your customers are consuming.

Reach your potential customers for $1 a day

For many small businesses, the biggest barrier to digital advertising is the sheer cost of running an ad. They know advertising is crucial, but the last thing they want is to waste money trying to convert random people into customers.

Retargeting ads allow you to connect with an audience that’s already expressed interest in your products. It’s a quick and easy way to drive sales on any budget. One of our beta users even made $570 by spending $1 a day for a month.

Make all your marketing work harder

Retargeting ads work with other Mailchimp channels to help you grow your business. It’s the glue that brings all your marketing together. And according to Google, combining retargeting with the other types of advertising you already do can help you sell 50% more stuff.

Mailchimp has all the tools you need to create integrated marketing campaigns under one roof. Drive traffic to your website with an email, Facebook ad, or Instagram ad, and capture email addresses with a pop-up form. Then, if someone leaves without buying, you can retarget them with an ad. Once they make a purchase, send them a welcome or first-purchase automation to keep them engaged.

From building brand awareness to following up when you make a sale, we’ll help you stay connected with your growing customer base every step of the way.

Get started

So, what do you need to start creating Google remarketing ads? First, you'll need a Standard or Premium plan. Next, head to the ad builder and connect your site. Head to the ad builder and connect your site. Then you can set up a campaign in a few quick clicks.

If you need help figuring out when to use an ad, how much you should spend, and where remarketing fits in with the marketing you already do, we’ve got resources for that, too!

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